How To Take Care Of The Health Of Your Ears

Ears are not only useful for listening. Balance, for example, is another function that depends on them, and that is why their care must be correct. We leave you here some tips to follow.

Our ears not only serve to listen, but they also allow us to maintain balance. It is very important to take care of the health of your ears to avoid infections and other problems.

The pain or discomfort in this area is really unbearable. The good news is that they can be avoided.

Read the following article to find out much more.

Tips to take care of the health of the ears

Do not introduce objects

It is very common to place a pen, finger, nail, or swab to scratch or clean. However, they can damage the delicate membranes of the ears and even pierce them .

  • In addition, it is not advisable to introduce vegetable objects to feel better when faced with a hearing problem.

Attention should also be paid to young children as they tend to insert very small objects into their ears. Among these: toy pieces, seeds, or whatever they find.


Avoid ototoxic medications

This advice is very important if you suffer from earaches or discomfort very often.

When you go to the doctor, ask them not to prescribe this type of medicine, as it can damage the ear. In most cases they are antibiotics.

Avoid exposure to noise

Being in a traffic jam every day in the city does not do your ears any good. Avoid spending a long time in areas with these noisy characteristics.

In addition, it is advisable to reduce the visit to places where there are many people or high volume sound, such as a concert, a stadium or a disco.

  • It stays only a few minutes (the necessary ones) in manufacturing or industrial areas.
  • If you pass by a lot, put plugs to protect the ears and muffle the noises.

Do not self-medicate

Never self-medicate. In the event that the ears hurt too much, do not put drops or medications that we find in the medicine cabinet. Perhaps the eardrum is perforated and this application can lead to a more serious condition.

If you suffer from a wax or wax plug, have an expert remove it. In the doctor’s office they have the means and the knowledge to do it without causing harm.

Be careful with swimming pools

To protect the health of your ears, do not completely submerge yourself in a pool, the sea, the river or a lagoon. Not because of the water itself, but because of other components such as chlorine, salt, microorganisms, contamination, etc.

You may get an infection or your ears may get clogged. Beaches without a blue flag or with unhealthy water are best avoided.

  • If you love taking a dip, do it slowly so the water pressure isn’t as strong in your ears. This can cause hearing damage.
  • You can use special plugs (made of hypoallergenic material, light and flexible) to avoid the accumulation of water and otitis (inflammation).

    Dry off well after bathing

    Whether in the shower, at home, at the sea or by the pool on vacation. It is necessary to keep the area very dry to avoid the proliferation of diseases.

    Moisture in the ear canal can cause fungus, for example, make hearing difficult, etc. With a soft cotton towel we can dry the ears.

    • Wrap the towel around it and turn your head so that any water that may have been lodged descends.
    • Repeat with the other ear.

    Do not abuse headphones or earphones

    The headphones are perfect for enjoying music without others have to bear. But sometimes, we do not realize it and we increase the volume more and more.

    If you listen to music using headphones and when you remove them you feel like a hiss, then either you have used them for a long time or the volume was too high. This, according to multiple studies, can lead to long-term problems.

    In that case, avoid listening to music through this medium for three days in a row, in order to rest the eardrums.

    • A good measure to know if the volume is high is when the person next to us can hear it.

    Beware of the wind

    It may be driving the car and leaving the window open or riding a bike on a very windy day. Something that is extremely dangerous for the health of the ears is having a fan very close to the ear.

    • Strong air circulation in the pinna can cause buzzing, swelling, and pain.

    Speak well with the mobile

    Most people do not know how to speak well on the phone. Some press the earpiece against their ear to hear better or because the call is cut off. For long conversations or if you spend all day using your mobile:

    • Switch the device from ear to ear.
    • Do not place at maximum volume.
    • If possible, use the “hands free” to rest your arms and ears.

    Clean properly

    Cleaning the ears is a fundamental point and not everyone knows how to do it well.

    • In the case of the external auditory pin (the ear), use a damp tissue, such as a towel.

    If at any time the pain is unbearable, go immediately to the doctor. He is the one who will find the root of the problem and guide you appropriately.

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