It Is Really Possible To Die Of A Broken Heart

The emotional suffering caused by traumatic and very intense situations can be very harmful to our health. We will tell you what happens in the body during this process in the next article.

Who has not had to go through the horrible moment of losing a loved one? If you know what it is, surely you are also aware of how much it hurts. But did you know that you can really die of a broken heart?

When this statement is heard for the first time, the expression is usually skepticism. However, ever-innovative science seems to have discovered that this is indeed possible.

To what we already knew about the famous broken heart syndrome, new data have now been added that confirm, even more, the devastating effects of losses, be they physical (due to death) or emotional (due to a breakup, for example) .

Let’s go deeper.

Is it true that we can die of a broken heart?

Far from being a metaphor, the broken heart syndrome exists and has totally visible consequences in the heart. In short, the stress caused by the traumatic situation stimulates the production of toxins that cause the heart’s rhythm to accelerate and a small deformation occurs on its left side. Yes, a real wound.

This is stated in this study carried out by a team from Rice University in Texas (United States), which talks about the relationship between widowhood and the appearance of cardiovascular diseases.

It is possible to die of a broken heart.

According to what the document states, the risk of perishing increases considerably in the six months after the death of the life partner. This percentage, in fact, would amount to 41%

The investigation

Now, how were such conclusions reached? The researchers examined 65 volunteers between the ages of 51 and 80. Of these, 32 had recently lost their partner, while the remaining 33 had not.

The factors that were taken into account for the analysis were age, gender, academic achievement, and muscle mass index.

The conclusion was that the group of 32 who had recently been widowed showed more traits that can trigger heart disease, such as elevated levels of cytosines and other related substances.

These, together with the also detected considerable decrease in heart rate variability, increase the chances of suffering heart attacks and other heart conditions.

Being widowed can also cause depression

A logical symptom of someone who has just lost a loved one is sadness, anguish, and even an increased likelihood of depression.

The study that we comment here also confirmed this fact: the probabilities of entering a depressive picture increase by 20% in those who were recently widowed.

Finally, it should be noted that, as is always said, not all organisms are the same and, of course, much less are human minds.

The stage of grief is usually one of the most difficult in life.

That is why it cannot be said that all these conditions will apply in the same way to all individuals. In fact, there will be those who react better and also those who may be even more affected.

Nobody fits a single pattern, and that’s something to keep in mind.

How to face a duel for the couple?

To alleviate the ills of these hard times, many people turn to their passions as a method of distraction. Thus, they channel their energies into art, writing, sports or any other activity that fills their soul.

The most advisable thing if the feeling worsens, however, is to go to a psychologist. Through therapy it will be much easier to heal and be able to continue with life, later, in a correct way.

Likewise, it is also healthy to vent to friends and family and express how you are feeling. In this way, loved ones can help and do their part in the recovery of the bereaved.

What does not kill you makes you stronger

Ultimately, having a broken heart is more than a way of speaking. You can really die from it; once again, emotional health is positioned as a fundamental aspect that we must take care of in our lives.

For this reason, it is important that, in the face of a grieving process, psychological support is available and feelings of sadness or anger are not hidden. It can be difficult, but it is essential for later recovery.

Loss can be overcome, but we have to do our part.

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