Learn To Make Accessories For Your Pets

You can make accessories for your pets with very simple materials. For the most part, they are all great fun for them, so they have an immediate acceptance.

It should be noted that frequent use causes them to deteriorate in a short time, but this is not a problem; they can be replaced by others very similar easily.

Next, we will give you some ideas and show you how to carry them out, to create various accessories for your pets. Best of all, you can customize them as you wish, since the materials you will need allow a wide margin of action and, of course, creativity.

4 accessories for your pets that you will easily make

Pets are true members of the family, they bring us a lot of joy and unconditional love every day. In short, they are beings that accompany with tenderness, fidelity and affection. Therefore, having at least one pet at home is very beneficial for both children and adults.

Many of the accessories for pets invite us to perform a certain physical exercise, be it walking or running with them, or repeatedly throwing an object. The activity that inspires us to carry out the object will be as dynamic as we want it to be.

Regardless of whether you already have a couple of them at home or not, we encourage you to make a few so that your pet has variety. Remember that it is important that you play with them in different ways to promote their physical development in a complete way.

In this sense, you must also remember that physical exercise helps them to stay healthy and, above all, not to acquire bad habits such as biting, for example.

Pets need accessories that motivate them to play in different ways, not just biting and pulling at an object. Yes, it is great to help them strengthen their jaw (whether it is a dog or a cat), but there are other activities beyond this.

After all, isn’t the image of the dog running after the tree stick to grab it as soon as possible and return it to its owner is iconic? These toys are quick and easy to make and you will enjoy them with your pet.

1. Rope made with rags

This accessory can be used by both cats and dogs. With very few materials you will create a rope that you can use to take it out for a walk or play. You can give it the length you prefer depending on the size of your pet or how close you want to have it.


  • Old rags of any fabric that is resistant. Cut 3 strips of 1 meter, approximately.
  • Clasp to hold.


  • First, take the 3 strips of fabric, which may or may not be the same thickness.
  • Fasten one end of the strips with the clasp and separate the strips.
  • Take one from either end and bring it to the middle of the other two.
  • Then, do the same with the one on the other end and bring it to the middle.
  • Continue like this until finished. Always tight so that it is well armed.
  • Finally, to fasten, tie several knots as tight as you can.

2. Chew toy

You are going to make an accessory so simple that you will not be able to believe that your pet has so much fun with it. What will attract their attention the most is the noise that the plastic makes  when biting and they do not know what that sound is due to.

In turn, the exterior is an old sock whose fabric is rather thick so that the plastic when it breaks does not hurt them.


  • 1 pair of socks
  • Several 600 ml plastic bottles
  • 50 centimeters thick rope


  • Take a sock and put one of the bottles inside.
  • Cut the rope in two of 25 cm each.
  • Tie with one of the ropes strong enough to hide the bottle well.
  • Cut off the excess of the sock and make 1 cm fringes.

3. Pompom

This great toy can be made of a rather resistant material such as felt so that a dog can bite and play, as well as wool so that a cat can have fun moving it from one side to the other. In both cases,  the procedure is the same, what varies is the type of material you use.


  • 27 strips of felt 20 cm long and 2 wide
  • 30 strips of wool 20 cm long (if you want to use wool)
  • 10 cm thick rope to hold
  • 1 pair of scissors


  • Lay the felt strips on top of each other. If you use wool you put them together.
  • Take the rope and tie a knot right in the middle of the strips. They will be divided into two of 10 cm.
  • Tie several knots to make it firm and shape it into a pompom.

4. Accessories for a fish tank

With the help of your ingenuity you can make many accessories for your pets, even for a fish tank. In this case, the idea is to make it look much prettier, but also easy to clean and allow the fish to swim through the different nooks and crannies.

In this way, they will keep moving and it will be much more enjoyable to look at here and there or try to look for them when they are hiding behind a rock or among plants.


  • Rocks of different sizes and colors
  • A hollow tree trunk
  • Aquatic plants (preferably of a different type and color)
  • Some medium snails


  • At the bottom of the tank, place the smaller stones.
  • Then, place the hollow log and leave the ends free for the fish to use as a tunnel.
  • With large stones you can make small mountains well distributed.
  • Finally, decorate with the plants and snails to your liking.

As you can see, with the help of your ingenuity and creativity you will be able to make many different toys to play with your pet and enjoy a pleasant moment together.

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