Lemon Sbriciolata, Very Italian And Simple Recipe

Don’t let its name scare you, the lemon sbriciolata is a very simple dessert to prepare, but above all, delicious! To the point that it is difficult to think that such a delicious cake does not require a large display of utensils in the kitchen and only takes about 15 minutes to make it.

The s briciolata lemon is the variety we have chosen this time. Of Italian origin, its name means “crumbled” or “brittle” due to the consistency of its base similar to that of an overly baked cookie. But make no mistake, its modesty and simplicity in preparation is inversely proportional to the magnificence of its flavor and texture.

The lemon cream will give that aromatic and citric touch to our sbriciolatra. Although the lemon can be substituted by other fruits, as well as by chocolate creams or a delicious red fruit jam, we have chosen it because it is a citrus that, by contrast, goes very well with sweet flavors and also adds freshness to our dessert.

If luckily the lemon is a harvest from the lemon tree that you have planted at home, all the better! , you enjoy an organic food.

Bearing in mind that the intention is to make your palate enjoy without major regrets, we substitute the cornstarch and wheat flour, ingredients of the traditional recipe for lemon cream, for ricotta cheese (also called cottage cheese).

Anyway, the sbriciolata gets along well with everyone and puts us in tune. Without further ado, let’s get to work.

Ingredients for the preparation of the base of the lemon sbriciolata

For our version of the nonna recipe, we will need the following ingredients for the crust or crust :

Lemon peel

  • 250 grams (2 cups) of wheat flour.
  • 1 egg.
  • 100 grams of powdered sugar ( tip: If you don’t have powdered sugar in your pantry, take regular sugar and pulverize it in the blender).
  • A small spoon of baking powder.
  • A small spoonful of vanilla or almond essence.

For our smooth lemon cream:

  • 250 grams of ricotta cheese.
  • One lemon’s juice.
  • Lemon zest.
  • 100 grams (one cup) of granulated sugar.

How to make a delicious lemon sbriciolata?

Steps to follow:

michelle lemon yogurt @ TNS

This is going to be faster than you expect, so the first thing to do is preheat the oven to 180ºC.

We recommend you start the recipe for the briciolata by preparing the lemon cream. With the help of a blender or kitchen assistant, mix the ricotta cheese and lemon juice in a bowl or deep container.

Add little by little, and until you achieve the desired consistency, the powdered sugar. Finally, add a pinch of salt and a touch of lemon zest.

Let’s always avoid grating the mesocarp, that’s how the white membrane that separates the lemon pulp from the skin is scientifically called. This is very acidic and we are not looking to sour our briciolata .

Make sure the cream has a smooth texture and consistency. If we see that there are lumps present, take the cream to the blender.

Once you have the cream ready, keep it at room temperature and proceed to make the base dough.

Combine all the dry ingredients with a spoon or your hands : the flour, the baking powder and the sugar in a bowl.

Now add the cold butter cut into pieces and begin to combine it with the ingredients, until it reaches a sandy consistency. Finally, add the egg to the preparation and the vanilla essence.

In a 20 cm mold. in diameter approximately, previously greased, place half of the mixture, spread it and compact with your hands in the bottom of the mold. Also cover the walls of the mold with the dough.

Pour in the lemon curd and then cover the cake with the remaining batter. Bake for 30 minutes or until the topping is golden brown.

Once ready, be patient! And disassemble the cold sbriciolata. Sprinkle a little powdered sugar to decorate and top the dessert with a few mint leaves. You can also accompany it with a piece of vanilla or mint ice cream.

Without a doubt, the lemon scribiciolata is an “ace up your sleeve”  especially when, with little time and effort, you want to shine in the kitchen.

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