Maternity Leave: Why Should We Value The Mothers Who Gave Birth

Maternity leave is a benefit for all those women who are going to give birth. In this period, the woman begins her process of recovery and adaptation to new responsibilities. The weeks of duration depend on the laws of each country.

In the past, women who were about to give birth did not receive any type of special treatment or specific work conditions. They simply had their baby and went back to their daily lives little by little. However, maternity leave is an advantage in the postpartum period.

It is a time to recover and provide the necessary care for the little one that has just been born. In addition, it is a necessary space for the adaptation process of both. Why should this important period be valued? What happens on a psychological level in women? We tell you more about this topic.

What is maternity leave?

Maternity leave is a subsidy granted by the entity in charge of social security in the country of residence to women who give birth. It is a condition found in the legislation of each State within which the job position is reserved between both parties.

Maternity leave.

Thus, the company and the worker are in a contractual relationship. This brief suspension of the employment contract can take effect from before delivery, if the mother so wishes. According to information from the International Labor Organization, the minimum time for maternity leave is 12 weeks.

The publication indicates that 185 countries and territories were studied to learn about the laws related to working conditions and maternity protection. For 2013, the data collected was the following:

  • 53% (98 countries) comply with the ILO standard of leave of at least 14 weeks.
  • 42 countries meet or exceed the proposed 18-week license.
  • 60 countries grant a 12-13 week license.
  • only 15% (27 countries) grant less than 12 weeks.

What happens when it is a risk pregnancy?

There are certain risk situations in which it is necessary to take maternity leave earlier than expected. Otherwise, you may find yourself temporarily unable to practice your profession, even after your rest period has elapsed.

Pregnancy is a wonderful stage that is full of care, do not allow work to exceed your limits. When you are pregnant, your body will start to feel different due to hormonal changes. Although it is also good to feel active, rest is essential.

Risk pregnancy.

How to take advantage of the time of maternity leave?

Each woman assumes the role of mother in a different way. It is essential to understand that having a baby is a complex process for both of you. The little one requires all possible care and you need time for yourself and your recovery. You will likely receive endless advice from aunts, grandmothers and cousins ​​about the first stage of the newborn.

Do not resort to advice in despair; work can wait. Maternity leave is essential for the mother’s peace of mind, since it allows her to spend time with her baby and keep all her attention on him without worrying about work. You must respect this period and try to divide it between taking care of your baby and recovering your rhythm of life.

The birth of a baby is a very happy event for your family and friends. However, this time of maternity leave you should make the most of it and with the minimum of distractions. Although everyone wants to meet the baby, you should talk to your family and friends to ask them to respect your space and privacy during that period of time.

Working mother.

Don’t worry about your physical appearance or be overwhelmed if you don’t feel in the mood to look flawless. Be patient with your body and its way of getting back to normal. You will already have space to recover your curves. You may think that fixing your appearance will make you feel better, but it should be your decision to do so.

What to expect when you return to work?

After this time of adaptation and recovery, you will most likely feel ready to slowly resume your life and return to work. The Mayo Clinic notes that the following points are important for a successful comeback:

  • Find a reliable nursery or a person who takes care of your baby within a safe environment and with all the care that is required.
  • Clarify obligations with the employer and review the schedule. Maybe you can work a few days from home or leave a little earlier to take care of your child.
  • If the idea is to continue breastfeeding, it is important to make a milk bank before returning to work. In addition, it is necessary to have a clean and quiet space in the office, to be able to make the extractions.
  • Going back to work at the end of the week will make the process less drastic.

Maternity leave is a statutory benefit that reminds companies of the value of their employees. At the time of giving birth, start a process of adjustment and adaptation to all the new responsibilities and this process should not be interrupted by any activity that does not have to do with the little one and with you.

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