Natural Remedies For Coughs During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, respiratory infections can occur with symptoms such as coughing. Fortunately, it is a nuisance that can be alleviated with some natural remedies. Are you interested in trying them?

Did you know that some natural remedies can help reduce coughing during pregnancy? In this stage there are many changes for women, both hormonal and physical. Because of this, the immune system is compromised and it is easier to catch a cold or flu.

Although this is not a major problem for the health of the mother or the baby, symptoms such as coughing and congestion are quite annoying. Therefore, to promote its relief, it is worth trying some remedies that help alleviate the discomfort. Discover them!

Natural remedies to calm a cough during pregnancy

The flu and the common cold are the most common causes of coughs during pregnancy. This symptom, although not serious, is uncomfortable and can lead to a general state of malaise. However, at this stage, especially during the first months, taking medications is not recommended. So what to do about it?

Consume healthy beverages

In the pregnancy stage, it is essential to ensure optimal hydration, especially in the event of flu, coughs and colds. Drinking plenty of fluids reduces throat dryness and, therefore, coughing. Ideally, drink about 2 liters of water or healthy drinks a day.

Drink much liquid

Using a humidifier

Sometimes the cough is made worse by breathing dry ambient air. Even if it is a dry cough, the discomfort can be even worse. Fortunately, this can be avoided by installing a humidifier. This device increases the humidity of the environment and, in turn, helps to improve symptoms such as nasal congestion and excess mucus.

Gargling with salt water

The typical salt water gargle will not cure the cough, but it will help to mitigate this symptom and the sore throat. In fact, an article published in the Urologic Nursing Journal talks about these properties, especially in cases of flu and upper respiratory infections.

Salt water appears to help thin mucus and reduce irritation. In particular, it is a temporary reliever for these symptoms. In the case of pregnant women, it is considered safe.

What should you do?

  • Mix a pinch of salt in a glass of warm water.
  • Gargle for 2-3 minutes, 2 times a day.

Have a lemon and honey drink

Consumption of honey and lemon is considered safe during pregnancy. In general, it is suggested as a natural cough syrup. In addition, as explained by James M. Steckelberg, a physician at the Mayo Clinic, it is a preparation that can help relieve a sore throat. 


  • One lemon’s juice
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (30 g)


  • First, squeeze the juice from one lemon and mix it with two tablespoons of honey.
  • If you want, you can heat the honey a little or add the mixture in a cup of warm water so that the ingredients are incorporated and it is easier to drink.
  • The ideal is to consume it 2 times a day.

    Making a ginger infusion

    Ginger tea can help relieve coughs during pregnancy. In fact, as detailed in a review article published in Phytochemistry , it has plant compounds that help calm several typical symptoms of this stage, such as nausea.

    Likewise, the evidence shows that its active principles have potential as antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. Due to this, it is an adjunct to cope with the symptoms of respiratory infections that occur with cough and sore throat.

    Making a ginger infusion


    • 1 teaspoon of ground ginger (5 g)
    • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


    • To start, add the ground ginger to a cup of boiling water.
    • Let it rest for about 10 minutes.
    • Consume the drink, once a day.

    Note: studies have not linked ginger to an increased risk of preterm labor or difficulties in pregnancy. Despite this, its consumption is not recommended in the days before delivery, as it increases the risk of bleeding. Nor should it be taken in excessive amounts.

    When to consult the doctor?

    The presence of cough and respiratory infections during pregnancy is normal. It usually resolves with self-care, without the need for medications. However, if the cough is chronic or there are signs of a complication, it is best to see a doctor as soon as possible. 

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