Natural Treatments For Colored Hair

Colored hair usually stands out for its dryness. Once a week, apply a mayonnaise or cocoa butter mask to hydrate it and restore its shine.

Women who have their hair dyed, either to hide gray hair or to change their look, often have many problems around the luminosity or softness of the hair. This is because the chemicals in inks are very harmful. You will learn about some of the most effective and natural treatments for colored hair that exist below.

Dyed, shiny and smooth – is it possible?

It seems that these three parameters cannot be “mixed” or that they are impossible to achieve at the same time. If you dye and cover your gray hair, it is likely that your hair is not soft to the touch, and it may not look the best.

But not only the problem is the ink, full of chemical components, but also other neglects or mistreatments that are applied to the hair on a daily basis. The iron, the dryer, the curling iron or the sun can cause a lot of damage.

If you want some when coloring your hair, pay close attention!

1. As a first measure, hydrate.

Perform hydration massages on your colored hair once a week. Use natural products, such as coconut oil, olive oil, or oat milk. You can also buy the different creams that are sold in the market. Leave on for 15 to 20 minutes, rinse and wash regularly. In some cases you should not wash it.

For a more effective result, you can put on a plastic cap in that period of time.

Paint Kitts sometimes include a balm that you have to use in about ten days , don’t forget it.

2. What products do you use to clean your colored hair?

The best shampoos and conditioners for colored hair are those made with jojoba or coconut oil. It is necessary that they be as natural as possible and to obtain good and immediate effects, you can make these products yourself. In the market, likewise, there are an infinity of specific brands to maintain the dye and care for your hair.

Avoid greasy hair shampoos or “deep cleaning” shampoos because they are stronger and sweep away everything, even your color.

3. Don’t forget, protect it.

The sun, the chlorine in the pool, the sea water, the wind, are all enemies of your hair, especially when it is dyed. During the summer you should increase the protection using a spray or cream, or cover it with a hat or a scarf.

This will act as a barrier so that the sun’s rays, in the first place, do not wear down the color of the dye.

It is also necessary to protect the hair from the iron and the dryer, a “mechanical” damage, because it takes away moisture and color. Before using these items, apply a protective balm and never iron your hair with wet or damp hair.

Protect your colored hair

Cocoa butter mask :

It is perfect for repairing split or damaged ends. This product is usually contained in dyes and makes the hair enjoy an intense shine again.

  • Microwave half a cup of cocoa butter to soften it. Spread over your hair, especially from the middle to the ends. Let it act for 10 minutes and rinse with plenty of hot water. Finish with a little cold water. You can repeat once every seven days.

    Egg mask

    It is used to repair chemically damaged or dry hair.

    • Beat two yolks and cover all the hair. Make a bun and let it act for 20 minutes. Rinse and use your regular shampoo until there are no more egg residues or the characteristic smell.

    Avocado mask

    This fruit contains fatty acids and vitamins, being ideal for your colored hair. It will restore shine and softness in a matter of minutes.

    • You just have to remove the pulp from a whole avocado and spread it all over your hair. Let it act for half an hour and rinse.

    Yogurt mask

    It will soften the skin on the scalp, which has also been abused or damaged by the dye.

    •  Apply a cup of plain yogurt all over your hair, leaving it for about 15 minutes. Rinse and wash as usual.

    Images courtesy of Palmira Van, Orin Zebest, Nathan O’Nions, rekre89, and Helernn.

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