Nordic Diet: Is It Good For Losing Weight?

Although we do not live in Scandinavian countries, we can apply the Nordic diet according to our region and obtain great benefits in our health, while losing weight.

It is not surprising that you know or have ever heard of the Mediterranean diet, which is considered one of the healthiest in the world. However, it is not the only one that can be adopted. Although less widespread, the Nordic diet offers you as many benefits as the Mediterranean.

The World Health Organization (WHO) itself recommends this eating model and affirms that it is a great ally against obesity. And according to research, this diet helps reduce the risk of different conditions such as: diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and even cancer.

General features

In general terms, we can say that the Nordic diet is quite similar to the Mediterranean diet. However, it has particularities adapted to the region of Northern Europe, or what is more commonly known as Scandinavia.

Map of Nordic countries where the Nordic diet comes from.

This region includes the countries of Iceland, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. These are generally cold areas that converge on the Baltic Sea, where lakes are also abundant. Therefore, a large part of the population lives in areas close to water sources and in which forests predominate.

Due to their geographical location, products from the sea and lakes are the main foods of the Nordic diet, together with berries and seeds.

Basic principles of the Nordic diet

The fact that in the Nordic countries, the low rates of obesity are very low, thanks to diet, stands out a lot. And as if that were not enough, these countries lead the world in the production of organic food. Therefore, it is understood that, more than a weight loss plan as such, the Nordic diet is the reflection of a lifestyle. 

In general, it is based on the action of giving priority to the food that is on hand in natural environments. That is, in the seas, lakes and forests.

Due to geographical reasons, not everyone can follow the Nordic diet to the letter, but you can try to follow most of its basic principles.


Consume carrot during pregnancy.

The Nordic diet is based on the frequent consumption of certain foods, which we detail below:

  • Root vegetables. Refers to potatoes, carrots, beets, and turnips.
  • Green leafy vegetables (cabbages). Mainly kale, spinach, chard, and cabbage.
  • Vegetables. This is the case of lentils and beans.
  • Fruit. The most common in that geography stand out, such as apples and pears.
  • Berries or fruits of the forest. A type of fruit that is privileged in the Nordic diet is what is known as berries or fruits of the forest, which includes strawberries, raspberries or blueberries, among others.
  • Dairy products. As long as they are organic and low in fat.
  • Whole grains. The most beneficial are oats, barley, and rye.
  • Herbs. This is the case of fennel or dill, among others that provide micronutrients.
  • Fish. Given its location in the Baltic Sea, as well as the existence of extensive lakes and rivers, the Nordic diet has blue fish as its main element, mainly salmon.
  • Crustaceans. These products have great properties that bring benefits to your body.
  • Algae. They have a high content of micronutrients that improve metabolism and prevent a large number of diseases. Given the magnitude of aquatic spaces in Scandinavia, algae are prevalent on dishes.
  • Hunting. Animal source proteins in Scandinavia come from, apart from fish, deer, reindeer and elk. These are very tasty meats, which offer high quality protein and are very low in fat.

The decalogue of the Nordic diet

Salmon with lemon sauce.

Immediately we present the decalogue of the Nordic diet proposed by the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries in 2012. It establishes the fundamental principles of this type of diet:

  1. Eat fruits and vegetables every day.
  2. Eat more products from whole grains.
  3. Eat lots of foods that come from the sea and lakes.
  4. Reduce the amount of meat, and that the one that is consumed is of the best possible quality.
  5. Eat more wild foods.
  6. Prioritize the consumption of organic products.
  7. Avoid, at all costs, food with additives.
  8. Try to eat only dishes based on local foods and that are in season.
  9. Prefer home cooking.
  10. Try to generate as little waste as possible.

A diet based on all these principles and on those foods that we have detailed provides you with all the fundamental macronutrients and micronutrients. With them,  you will achieve not only lose weight, but also have a healthy lifestyle.

Remember that, due to the geographical difference, you have to adapt the Nordic diet according to the existing foods where you live. In any case, seek the advice of a professional if you want to integrate this diet into your life.

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