Proper Ways To Lift A Baby

The first time you hold your child, it may give you the feeling that he is going to fall. You see it so fragile and delicate, that you are afraid of hurting it when lifting it. In this article, we will tell you the proper ways to lift a baby without risk.

Even if you have been waiting with excitement for your baby for nine months, when you hold him in your arms, it is normal for you to feel afraid of taking on some responsibilities in your new role as a mother.

At times, you may think that if you pick up your child, you could hurt him because you see him very small and fragile. However, it is not as weak as it seems, you just have to learn to hold it safely and confidently.

Studies have shown that physical contact with babies helps them develop their senses more quickly. In addition, they feel their parents’ hearts and breathing more clearly, which gives them a sense of tranquility.

What are the proper ways to lift a baby?

1. Carry it on the forearm


  • If the baby is on the bed, or another flat surface, slide one of your hands under his neck and head; and the other, on the back. Make sure your little one’s head is well supported and doesn’t roll back .
  • Once you’ve lifted the baby, you can rest his head and neck on your forearm.
  • Some babies feel safe when gently rocked while lying on the forearm.

2. Carry it using your knees

One of the proper ways to lift a baby is by using your knees instead of your back. Although it is easier to bend your back to carry your little one, you must use the strength of your legs to do it, especially if you are still in the postpartum stage.

In this way, you will take the pressure off your back. Bring your feet and knees to shoulder height when you go to hold the baby. If you need to squat down to hold your baby, keep your back as straight as possible and stick your bottom out.

3. Load it head-on

One of the proper ways to lift a baby is to carry him head-on. In this way,  your baby will develop an affectionate bond with you , in addition to feeling safe having you close.

If you want to make your baby laugh and play with him safely, do the following:

  • Sit on a flat, secure surface. Your bed, a large piece of furniture, or a mat on the floor can be good options.
  • Bend your knees and support your back to keep it straight.
  • Place your little one on your legs.

All the time you have him in this position you must be attentive to his movements.

4. Carry it on one shoulder

Another good way to carry a baby is on the shoulder. This position is ideal to remove gas, after breastfeeding or feeding.

  • Lay your little one on your chest and shoulder.
  • With one hand support her butt and with the other, her neck and head.
  • While carrying it in this way, you should keep your back straight and tighten your abdominal muscles.
  • Keep your wrist straight and use your elbow and shoulder muscles to lift your baby.
  • Alternate your shoulders while carrying your little one, to avoid any type of overuse injury.
  • Use your arm to hold your baby . Avoid using your forearm, as it is made up of small muscles.
  • Avoid directing your wrists and fingers toward the floor while holding your baby.

This position allows the baby to look over your shoulder and listen to your heartbeat . Beautiful, right?

Baby in his mother's arms.

What you should never do

Some parents tend to carry their children by the arms or elbows. This technique, as much fun as it is for your little one, can cause permanent joint injuries . Based on this, take into account the following:

  • Never hold the child by the hands or arms. Always do it at the waist or armpits.
  • Don’t swing the baby like a swing while holding his arms or hands.
  • Even if your child finds it a lot of fun, avoid holding it by the hand and turning it while it is suspended.

Find out: Are breastfed babies smarter?

Put into practice these appropriate ways to lift a baby that we have shared with you and enjoy your motherhood as you deserve.

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