Properties Of Honey And Ginger

Honey and ginger have been used since ancient times as a natural remedy. The objective was to treat the symptoms associated with catarrhal processes and digestive diseases. We tell you all its benefits.

Honey and ginger are foods that can have a great positive effect on health, their combination presents a series of enhanced attributes. This makes them excellent allies to treat certain diseases.

The mixture has been used since ancient times as a natural remedy. The objective was to treat the symptoms associated with catarrhal processes and digestive diseases. 

Of course, any problem must first be consulted by a specialist. In this way, the disease can be correctly diagnosed and the specialist will indicate which is the most indicated treatment.

Generally, natural remedies help prevent and combat. They are not miraculous.

Medicinal properties of honey and ginger

Respiratory diseases

The combined properties of honey and ginger can make the mixture an effective natural expectorant.

It can be helpful in treating the symptoms of the flu, colds, or sore throats.

The combination also stimulates and greatly strengthens the immune system. This is because it has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory compounds, in addition to vitamin C. For this reason, it is a great remedy that helps to strengthen the defenses.

This is the reason for the large number of existing recipes that use both foods to help treat and prevent colds.

Many of these recipes also include lemon, due to its great vitamin content and antioxidant capacity.

Digestive diseases

Thanks to their anti-inflammatory properties, honey and ginger have very beneficial effects on digestive health.

The mixture helps to dilate the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, it has a vasodilator effect on the blood vessels that irrigate the area.

The result leads to better digestion of food and better bowel function.

Because of this, honey and ginger are a natural remedy for treating muscle cramps. These are usually caused by overeating or food indigestion.

Medicinal properties of honey


Honey is a substance made by bees from the nectar of flowers. It has been used as a medicinal remedy since ancient times. In food, it is also widely used as a sweetener.

This sugary compound contains a large amount of flavonoids and phenolic acids, very beneficial compounds to help in the treatment of various diseases.

Some of its healing properties are:

  • Highly energetic food. Honey can help fight tiredness and fatigue by providing a large amount of energy to cells.
  • Antibiotic capacity.  The antibiotic capacity of honey is due to the fact that it contains substances such as inhibin and formic acid.
  • Promotes good digestion. Honey is a laxative food, which helps prevent constipation and maintain proper intestinal transit.
  • Antioxidant Its high content of phenolic acids and enzymes such as catalase, make honey a great antioxidant compound.
  • Prebiotic food. Honey provides the intestine with a high sugar content. These can be used by the bacteria present there. In this way, honey preserves a correct intestinal microbial population.

Medicinal properties of ginger


Ginger is a tropical plant that can be grown in moist soil. Its dried, pickled or powdered rhizome is marketed. It is widely used in Asian cuisine, presenting a spicy and lemony flavor.

It has a large amount of volatile oils and phenolic substances, called gingerols and gingerones. In addition, it is rich in vitamins, especially vitamin B6 and vitamin C, and rich in minerals, such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus.

Some of its medicinal properties are:

  • Promotes good digestion. By promoting proper bowel movement and helping to eliminate harmful microorganisms.
  • Treat bad breath. There is an oriental natural remedy that uses a piece of ginger dipped in vinegar to refresh the mouth after meals and prevent bad breath.
  • Antirust. It is a food very rich in antioxidant substances. They help prevent the aging process.
  • Anti-inflammatory. Volatile substances such as gingerols have great anti-inflammatory potential. This has been shown to help diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.

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