Resilience, Ability To Face Adversity

This statement may surprise you, but in a way we are all hardwired to survive. We all have the ability to cope with adversity and move on. You just need to know the guidelines to practice it.

For this reason, in this article we want to talk to you about “resilience”, both what it is about and the key skills that facilitate its development. Get informed!

We all have resilience

Resilience must be cultivated.

We can define resilience as the ability to cope with difficult situations, trauma and complex problems. It manifests once what happened is accepted and it is understood that we have to continue advancing in this world without losing hope.

That is, it takes place at times when we assume that it is always possible to move on, even if we do not forget what happened.

You may wonder if we all have this capacity for resilience or if it is only an aptitude for more special or capable people. And the answer is that you, me or anyone else, even children, have this indispensable ability that is part of our emotional intelligence.

The point is that we do not know it. And when we finally know that it exists, we see that it costs much more to put it into practice. Overcoming emotional pain, getting up, knowing how to find strength and desire to remain who we are, requires courage and basic skills.

Keys to building resilience

1. Self-knowledge

  • It is essential to know yourself and know what your limits are.
  • Some of us may more or less accept that our freedom is limited or that we are manipulated.
  • Likewise, you may be one of the people who cannot stand loneliness or those who value a certain independence and do not want to be controlled.
  • Each of us has a limit, something that we must protect in order to remain ourselves. It is important.

    2. Initiative

    Coping with a difficult situation requires initiative and courage. This is a must. A clear example can be the case in which the diagnosis of a certain disease is received, either its own or from a close person. In those moments it is useless to fall to the ground and collapse.

    Of course we have the right to suffer the impact for a few days to assume it, but then we can get up and continue. Carry on with enthusiasm, strength and optimism. A recovery always needs the optimism of the person. It is important to keep this in mind.

    3. The commitment

    Commitment to oneself, to others and to life to continue existing, hopeful and be part of a world and a family that is committed to and loves us.

    Commitment requires inner strength and self-esteem. It requires us to be brave and do our best to rise up to remain ourselves. We can say that it is that energy that pushes us to feel better every day to, little by little, be happy again.

    4. Accept the challenge

    Resilience can be achieved.

    Life can bring us both pleasant gifts and sad disappointments. Sometimes, without knowing how or why, he puts us to the test in very difficult situations. However, it is worth taking up the challenge and trying.

    If we surrender, we will have lost ourselves as well. We can even fall into states of despair or depression in which a job will be necessary.

    So, accepting the challenge implies first understanding why this event has occurred: an emotional separation, a dismissal at work, the loss of a loved one, an illness … Then, we will admit that we have to make an effort to face what happened.

    What I can do? Should I ask for help? Do I take time to think about myself and take better care of myself? Making decisions is essential. So is having someone’s support.

    In any case, it is essential to assume what happened. If we despair thinking only of the tragedy, there will be no room for positive thoughts.

    In this way, try to find strength in yourself, try to get excited again. Life always deserves second chances and you have every right to be happy again.

    To train resilience!

    Despite having experienced really adverse situations, there are those who have even changed their way of life.

    We are talking about those who have not only managed to overcome what happened successfully, but who have been reinforced with new skills. Now they are able to face that day to day that constantly seems to put us to the test.

    Accept what happened, assume it, and look for the illusion in yourself to dress yourself in that armor that will help you overcome and overcome difficulties.

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