Revitalizing Salad For The Liver: Delicious!

Those who like to eat salads on their weekly menu are always looking for new recipes. Sometimes when recipes are healthy and can provide some kind of added benefit, they are tried more quickly. This is the case with the next revitalizing salad for the liver.

On a daily basis, the preparation and consumption of various dishes with nutritious and healthy foods – within a balanced diet – can be very beneficial for the entire organism, including the liver. Therefore, it is important to give them priority, over junk food and industrial groceries.

Before trying new recipes, it is recommended that you inform yourself well about their ingredients. In this way you will avoid suffering adverse reactions, such as allergies, for example. And if still reading the information you have doubts, consult your doctor.

1. What are the functions of the liver?

As the experts from the Catalan Association of Liver Patients explain, the liver is an organ that performs various functions, from purifying substances to metabolizing vitamins and proteins. It is also responsible for processing food and converting it into energy so that you can carry out all your activities.

Among other things, a poor diet can harm liver health. Therefore, it is important to try to eat a diet according to the needs of the body. The moment the liver fails, the body begins to experience a series of discomforts and then, general health is affected.

Some of the symptoms related to liver diseases are: feeling full, bad breath (halitosis), the acquisition of a yellowish tone in the face, inflammation or change in the color of urine or stool. If this occurs, it is very important to see a doctor right away for an early checkup, diagnosis and treatment.

When the doctor diagnoses a disease in the liver, the patient must not only try to follow the indications regarding pharmacological treatment, he must also try to improve his lifestyle, and in this sense, diet again acquires great importance.

Although there are no foods that can “protect” or “heal” the liver, there are many foods that, within a balanced diet, can provide multiple benefits to the body. This is because they contain various vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, among other nutrients.

2. Foods that help to have a healthy liver


The revitalizing salad for the liver is one of the recipes that you can include in your weekly menu to maintain variety and balance in a healthy diet. It is made with ingredients that have a certain sweet taste (such as cooked carrots), so if you like these flavors, you can enjoy a delicious dish.

Remember that this (and any other) salad are simply complementary dishes. Therefore, you should not base your diet solely on its consumption. Incorporate other dishes into your different meals and satisfy your appetite. Do not deprive yourself of having at least 3 good meals a day.


For the salad

  • 8 raisins
  • Fennel (to taste).
  • ½ chopped pear.
  • 1 cup of spinach.
  • 1 serving of red cabbage.
  • 3 chopped walnuts.
  • ½ avocado cut.
  • Chopped parsley (to taste)
  • 1 bowl of chopped cabbage.
  • 1 small carrot, grated.
  • 2 cooked and baked carrots (with a touch of cinnamon and butter).

For the dressing

  • A little turmeric.
  • Apple vinager.
  • The juice of half a lemon.

Revitalizing salad preparation

The preparation of the revitalizing salad is very simple. Before getting down to work, it is recommended that you wash and drain all the food very well. Then you can start preparing the recipe.

  • Cut the cabbage and cabbage into small pieces, as well as the spinach. It would also be appropriate if you had the carrots already baked with cinnamon ready.
  • Next, grate the fresh carrot and chop the walnuts.
  • Next, chop the parsley, cut the avocado half into pieces and mix it all well in a bowl or a deep plate.
  • Don’t forget to add the pear.
  • Once you have added all the ingredients in the bowl, reserve. Besides, you can prepare the dressing.
  • Add a little apple cider vinegar for flavor, as well as lemon juice.
  • Finally, a small spoonful of turmeric will culminate in a very attractive and palatable dish.


Does the salad serve to heal the liver?

Despite being called a ‘liver revitalizing salad’, no salad can heal or protect the liver from disease. However, the recipe that we share can help you complement and vary your diet in a healthy way. Remember to accompany it with other foods (a toast of bread with goat cheese, for example) or a piece of fresh fruit to satisfy your appetite properly and not leave you hungry.

With a balanced diet, good hydration and a proper exercise routine you can maintain the health of your liver. Remember that, if you have any questions, you can always consult your doctor. 

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