Smart Diet, Discover What It Is About And Its Contributions To Health

Dr. Reina GarcĂ­a in her book entitled “The Smart diet: the effective method to eat and lose weight healthily”  collects all the information about this diet. Smart guidelines provide certain benefits to the body and improve physical and mental well-being.

According to the author, the smart diet is the most effective method to lose weight quickly, keep it balanced in the long term and, incidentally, improve the physical, mental and even emotional health of the individual.

The triad of success: smart diet

The smart diet  integrates three main guidelines in our daily routine to achieve a healthy lifestyle. These are essentially a healthy diet, regular physical activity and relaxation.

The reason we gain weight is that we consume more calories than we burn. Some people cut back on calories, while others increase physical activity to burn more.

Food and sport.

On the other hand, there are people who bet on relaxation to reduce stress. And, with this, avoid consuming unhealthy foods between meals, often a consequence of increased anxiety.

According to the smart diet , the key to a healthy lifestyle is based on combining these three methods. In addition, it also defends the importance of balancing the time we dedicate to work, leisure and rest.

In this way, adopting healthy lifestyle habits will be the key to good physical, mental and emotional health. Thus we can not only reduce our weight to the optimal values of the Body Mass Index , but also maintain it over time in the long term effectively.

A diet based on the Mediterranean diet

The smart diet is based on the Mediterranean diet as it is considered especially beneficial for health. This type of diet is based on 6 key characteristics that make this a healthy diet. Those characteristics are:

1. Low glycemic index and glycemic load

During the diet, you will consume amounts of carbohydrates from foods with a low glycemic index. Like vegetables, plain yogurt or fresh cheese.

Healthy food.

These will progressively increase in the diet. According to the guidelines of this diet, in this way it is possible to feel satiated, burn fat reserves and regulate the levels of sugar and lipids in the blood.

2. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capacity

There are foods with high concentrations of bioactive substances, such as fruits, oily fish, nuts or tea. This class of ingredients  inhibits the excess of inflammatory substances that are produced with age and especially when you are overweight.

3. Promotes intestinal health

Foods that increase the beneficial microflora in the intestine (yogurt, legumes, red fruits) are present in the smart diet . With them, it is possible to deflate the abdomen and reduce insulin resistance, as well as increase the defenses.

4. Regulates blood pressure and heart rate

Foods rich in healthy fats and low in harmful fats, such as nuts, olive oil or oily fish are essential in the smart diet . According to this type of diet, consuming these foods reduces cardiovascular risk and improves memory and mood.

5. Maintenance of muscle mass, skin tone and bone mass

The foods that are taken throughout the diet, their proportion and dosage during the process must have a meaning. In this way we can, according to the diet guidelines, feel more satisfied. In addition, we can maintain muscle mass in good condition and not stagnate in weight loss.

Strengthen muscles.

6. pH maintenance

The foods and drinks that the diet recommends, such as vegetables, yogurt, vegetable broths, or water rich in bicarbonates tend to raise the pH towards a more acidic level.

On the other hand, this pH level is low when you are obese. Its mismatch can cause serious problems, you must keep a balance in the smart diet .

As advocated by the diet, following the smart program reduces the risk of gout, the formation of kidney stones and allows you to enjoy healthier skin and nails.


The smart diet proposes an eating model that combines the Mediterranean tradition with different studies on diet and nutrition. Therefore, it is beneficial both to lose weight, and to promote physical and mental health.

In fact, being rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory products, it is recommended to prevent premature aging, control high cholesterol and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Do you dare to follow it?

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