Sprouts: Benefits, Risks And Preparation

Sprouts are a type of vegetables that stand out for their small size. They can be grown at home and provide essential nutrients to promote good health. That is why we are going to tell you everything you need to know about these foods.

Before starting, we must emphasize the importance of including vegetables in the usual diet. These products must be the basis of the diet, since their intake is associated with proven benefits. It is advisable to eat at least 5 servings of them a day.

How can you make a sprout at home?

To make homemade sprouts, suitable for consumption, you will have to proceed as follows.


  • Germinating bag.
  • Seeds.
Seeds to make sprouts.

Step by Step

It is important to be very hygienic throughout the process, in order to avoid the proliferation of harmful bacteria. For this reason, it is recommended to disinfect the germinating bags prior to use.

The first step is to soak the seeds or grains, washing them well to remove any type of residue that they may present on the outside. Then, it is necessary to place them in a bowl with fresh mineral water to generate hydration. They must be soaked for at least 12 hours.

Once the time has passed, they are drained and placed in a glass container covered with a cloth or gauze. It is advisable not to close completely to ensure gas exchange. It is only optimal to incline it slightly.

Once at this point, it will be necessary to wait between 3 and 5 days to obtain the sprouts, keeping the container in a warm place with around 35 degrees Celsius. When the germination process begins, the container will be exposed to sunlight to activate the chlorophyll of the vegetables, thus increasing their green color.

For conservation, it is best to store them in a closed and airtight container that is located in a cold place. Before consumption it is essential to pass them through water.

What plants can be germinated?

It is possible to germinate any seed suitable for human consumption. The most common is to specify the process with legumes, such as lentils, beans and peas. These elements are the ones that have a better taste when consuming them.

In fact, it is very common to germinate soybeans, red cabbage, lentils, broccoli and watercress. You just have to get the seeds of the vegetables and follow the aforementioned process step by step.

Advantages and benefits of sprouts

Making homemade sprouts has a number of advantages. First, they are easily achieved and self-sufficiency is promoted, thus reducing the ecological footprint. On the other hand, it is much cheaper than buying the same products on the market.

From a nutritional point of view, the consumption of sprouts is associated with a better state of health, due to the concentration of antioxidants. According to a study published in Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, a regular intake of these elements reduces the production of free radicals, preventing pathologies.

On the other hand, we must highlight the presence of vitamin C in many of them. It is a nutrient that has been shown to be capable of improving immune function, so its daily consumption is recommended to prevent the development of infectious diseases.

Finally, it should be noted that sprouts have a lower amount of antinutrients, so the absorption of the elements that make them up is more efficient. This reduces the risk of iron malabsorption, for example. Failure to meet nutrient needs will lead to anemia, according to research published in The Medical Clinics of North America.

Possible risks

The main risks regarding the consumption of sprouts have to do with the methods of obtaining them. If hygienic and disinfection processes are not carried out, bacteria such as Salmonella, dangerous to health , can proliferate .

In fact, the pathologies associated with the consumption of sprouts, when they are done at home, are gastrointestinal. Precautions should be maximized in this regard.

Gastroenteritis from consuming spoiled sprouts.

How to use sprouts in the kitchen?

Sprouted sprouts can be eaten raw or cooked. In the first case, they would be added to salads or cold dishes, while if you choose to cook, you can make sauteed, vegetarian dishes or even soups and vegetable creams.

They are also an excellent garnish to complement rice or quinoa.

Sprouts: a healthy option

As you have seen, sprouts are an excellent option to include more vegetables in the diet. Of course, they are not without risks, so it is recommended to take extreme precautions if they are made at home.

It is also possible to buy them as such in the supermarket, although this does not reduce the ecological footprint and the cost is higher.

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