The 6 Abdominal Exercises That You Will Like To Do At Home

Training from home can be a difficult task if you don’t have the knowledge and motivation to do it. To help you, here are six abdominal exercises that you can perform from the comfort of your home. Go ahead and get that flat and toned abdomen that you want so much!

Abdominal exercises to train at home

1. The iron

The plank is one of the most common exercises to work abs. The best thing is that you do not need to do repetitions, you just have to have a proper posture.

In addition, this exercise is a challenge, since it requires you to endure as much as possible and test your resistance.

  • To begin, you have to put your legs in an extended posture and get into a push-up position, resting your elbows on the floor and keeping them at the same height as your shoulders.
  • Here it is about tightening the abdomen and holding hard, so the longer you hold, the better.
  • Additionally, it can be complemented with push-ups and claps during its performance, which makes it quite useful for working from home.
  • You can do 4 repetitions of 20 seconds each.
  • Take 2 minute breaks.

2. Russian twists

Russian twists represent a different way of working the abdomen.

  • Lie on the floor facing the ceiling.
  • Also, keep your feet glued together and stretch your arms, without doing any flexion.
  • Once this is done you must  turn your torso as far as possible to the right and hold for a few seconds. Then repeat to the opposite side.
  • Repeat this procedure 2-3 times with 4 minute breaks.

3. The climber

This exercise engages almost every muscle in the body, and you can include it in cardiovascular exercise routines, as it increases the number of heart beats per minute.

  • Get into a push-up position, bringing your hands together under your shoulders and keeping your body perfectly straight.
  • Squeeze your abs tight and roll your knees forward.
  • Then, repeat the procedure from the starting position but with the other knee. By including it in the routine you will notice a big difference and your body will appreciate it.
  • You can do between 20 and 25 repetitions.
  • Rest 2 or 3 minutes.

4. Scissor bows

Woman doing abdominal exercises with scissors.

The main goal of this exercise is to create a right angle between the two legs. It is essential that you do not bend your knees and keep your legs suspended in the air.

  • Lie on your back and place your hands on the floor.
  • Then, place your hands under your buttocks and, without separating your arms, begin to raise one leg.
  • Next, lift both legs and hang them in the air for a few minutes.
  • Then hold the position for a few seconds in the air and try to do between 25 and 30 repetitions each time.
  • Take 2 minute breaks.

5. Spiderman push ups ( Spiderman push ups)

It consists of flexing as one of the feet tries to touch the elbow. The name comes from the complicated movements that you must perform to achieve it.

It is really good to practice it in open spaces and it allows you to develop the muscles of your abdomen in a fun way, in addition to other areas. They should be done 20 and 30 repetitions with breaks of 1 minute.

6. Frog kicks

Frog kicks are used to work the middle and upper part of the abdomen, which are undoubtedly two of the most difficult areas to tone.

  • Support yourself with your glutes and your hands on the floor.
  • Raise your legs, with your knees bent.
  • Move your legs back and forth, while looking with your chest for the two parts to come together.
  • Precisely the point of attachment will be the abdominal wall where you will have to feel the pressure and tension of the exercise to be effective.
  • Do 10 to 20 repetitions.
  • Take a maximum 40-second break between each exercise.



Beyond putting these six exercises into practice, you have to be aware that to achieve effective results you must be constant and do these routines continuously.

They are really effective for flattening the belly if done consistently, but don’t forget the importance of following a healthy diet. Only the combination of both aspects will make the effort pay off.

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