The 6 Mistakes That Prevent You From Enjoying A Healthy Breakfast

It is important to take the time to eat a healthy breakfast. In addition, it is advisable to include healthy foods, such as fruits and vegetables, and avoid drinking only one coffee.

Although there should be at least three main meals in the day, breakfast is the one that has the greatest influence on our life, because with it we start the day. Enjoying a healthy breakfast is possible and easier than you think.

Next we want to reveal 6 mistakes that ruin your breakfast so that you can identify them and try to avoid them from now on. Pay attention and get ready to enjoy a healthy breakfast!

Enjoy a healthy breakfast

For many years, nutritionists have insisted on giving it a special space, because with breakfast we provide the body with:

  • carbohydrates
  • protein
  • healthy fats
  • other high energy nutrients

In addition, if we choose the right foods, we prolong the feeling of fullness and reduce the chances of exceeding the daily number of calories. Of course, it all depends on one’s metabolism, intolerances and nutritional needs.

Common mistakes at breakfast time

However, there are a number of mistakes that are made on a daily basis that can ruin diets and are not very healthy.

1. Skip it to save calories

Unfortunately, there is a myth that skipping breakfast can save calories so you don’t gain weight. This thought is quite common, especially since some of the popular “miracle diets” recommend it. However, it is totally false, since it is actually a trigger to ingest more calories in later hours.

The body needs to recharge each morning to perform well physically and mentally, as well as to feel full. By not enjoying a healthy breakfast, all we do is cause feelings of fatigue and uncontrollable desire to eat as soon as we get the chance.

2. A breakfast very rich in carbohydrates

From the 50s and 60s, when the food and pastry industry began to predominate in the market, cookies, bread and cereals became the kings of breakfast. Its advertising as a quick and nutritious food option caused hundreds of people to substitute other, healthier foods for these.

That tradition has spanned all these decades and, today, many still think that these products rich in sugars and carbohydrates are a healthy option.

The truth is that they are not as good as they are painted. In addition to providing more than the recommended amount of carbohydrates, they do not meet the nutritional requirements of the body.

3. A breakfast too light

breakfast tray

Although it is not necessary to eat a breakfast loaded with antioxidants, fiber and protein every day, the ideal is that it is most of the time. The downside is that, due to the rush, many people leave home every day having just a coffee with a couple of cookies.

Although at first this can control the feeling of hunger, its nutrients are not enough to get the body working in shape.

In fact, many health and nutrition professionals agree that breakfast should consume around 500 calories, that is, 25% of the daily energy required by the body. However, for people trying to lose weight, about 350 calories is ideal.

4. Take it too late

A common mistake is to allow more than an hour after waking up to eat this first meal. It is essential to take it before, because just when we get up, the body requires energy to carry out each of the physical, brain and hormonal activities.

If nutritional needs are not met early, stomach acid production increases and can lead to discomfort.

In addition, it increases the risk of lowering blood sugar levels too much, and suffering from dizziness and concentration difficulties.

5. Do not include fruits and vegetables

breakfast with fruits and vegetables

Breakfast time is one of the best times to benefit the body with all the nutrients that fruits and vegetables provide.

Their consumption is essential because they are the greatest source of fiber, vitamins, minerals and other nutritional substances that support the functions of the body.

If possible, they should be eaten raw, either in a salad or blended into a natural juice or smoothie. Eating a healthy breakfast means including fruits and vegetables in it!

6. Eat quickly

Breakfast may contain all the nutritional groups that are required to start the day in the best way. However, when consumed eagerly, they are not usually chewed well and tend to cause difficulties in the digestive system.

It is essential to spend at least 20 minutes to ingest it, in addition to doing it in a quiet place without distractions.

A healthy breakfast to start the day with energy

As we have mentioned, breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. Can you identify any of these errors? If so, start correcting them so that nothing prevents you from enjoying a healthy, energy-packed breakfast !

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