Thyroid In Pregnancy, What Is The Problem?

Surely you have heard about thyroid gland problems in pregnancy many times, but do you know what they consist of? Thyroid disorders are the second leading cause of endocrine system complications during pregnancy.

As this information published in the Manuel MSD points out, this risk of complications increases both in women with hypothyroidism (the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone), and with hyperthyroidism (excess thyroid hormone).

The thyroid gland is located in the front of the neck. It is responsible for secreting hormones that influence both metabolism and growth. These hormones are triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4).

In addition, both ensure that the brain, heart, and muscles function properly. Interestingly, the development of pregnancy and your baby’s neurological system also depend on them.

Due to its multiple functions and its importance during pregnancy, below, we explain the possible problems that can appear in the thyroid gland during pregnancy.

What happens to the thyroid gland in pregnancy?

Disorders of this gland can be present before pregnancy, however, it is quite common for abnormalities to develop during the pregnancy period.

The functions of this gland, as we have already mentioned, are diverse and are closely related to the development of the baby. First, the thyroid can influence fertility. This means that any affectation in it can decrease your chances of pregnancy.

This occurs because a low level of thyroid hormones is related to the alteration of menstrual cycles, as this study published in the International journal of applied and basic medical research points out .

In fact, numerous investigations, such as this one published in the Endocrine Journal , link the lack of menstruation (amenorrhea) with thyroid pathologies.

On the other hand, the T4 hormone is one of the protagonists in the neurological development of the fetus. This is one of the key aspects because, if your thyroid gland is not working properly, your baby could have neurological problems, such as mental retardation, for example.

During pregnancy, there is a risk that the function of this gland is disturbed. Mainly, two things can happen:

  • The thyroid gland increases its activity: hyperthyroidism. It causes the growth of the fetus to be slow or less than normal. In addition, it can lead to the death of the future baby.
  • The thyroid gland decreases its activity: hypothyroidism. The intellectual development of the baby is not carried out correctly. It can also cause spontaneous abortions.

Signs that warn of thyroid problems.

Hyperthyroidism in pregnancy

In this case, the gland is overactive and more thyroxine is generated than normal. It is not as frequent as hypothyroidism, it appears in approximately 0.2% of pregnancies.

Symptoms are usually nervousness and anxiety in the mother. In addition, it tends to cause hypertension and weight loss. However, the complications can be much more serious.

Hyperthyroidism causes the fetus to have a higher heart rate. Ultimately, the baby’s growth is less than expected. It can cause the baby to be born prematurely and even die in the womb. All this is evidenced in this study published in the Cuban Journal of Endocrinology .

Hypothyroidism in pregnancy

The thyroid gland in pregnancy increases, both in size and in hormone production. This demands a kind of overstrain for the gland.

When the pregnant woman has a limited thyroid reserve or an iodine deficiency, hypothyroidism can occur because, as evidenced by this information from the Medical Annals of the ABC Medical Center Medical Association , consuming iodine during pregnancy is necessary to synthesize thyroid hormones.

This occurs in almost 4% of pregnant women. The thyroid works slowly and does not produce enough hormones. Symptoms are often confused, therefore, it is necessary to know them:

  • Tiredness and weakness.
  • Weight gain.
  • Constipation.
  • Dry skin and weak hair and nails.
  • Pain in muscles and joints.

The repercussions of hypothyroidism on the fetus can be serious. If not detected, the baby himself can be born with hypothyroidism, which can lead to mental retardation.

Woman with thyroid problem

How to avoid thyroid problems in pregnancy?

Fortunately, today, there are numerous controls to detect possible complications during pregnancy. First of all, if you are thinking about getting pregnant, the ideal is that you go to your doctor first.

This will do a  blood test to check your thyroid function. If you do not plan it, during pregnancy, many tests of different kinds will be necessary. Your gynecologist will routinely check you to check that the level of your thyroid hormones is stable.

About the thyroid in pregnancy

As you have seen, thyroid problems during pregnancy are one of the most frequent complications, along with gestational diabetes. Ideally, you should go to the doctor regularly and get all the relevant tests done.

In addition, these pathologies are easy to detect and, by doing so, you will avoid numerous complications that can put your pregnancy and the health of your baby at risk.

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