Tinnitus, Those Annoying Ringing In The Ears: Causes And Treatments

Perhaps you’ve been to bed at night and suddenly you’ve started hearing a kind of buzzing or annoying ringing in one or both ears. Did you ever happened? Or even more … Have you noticed that annoyance even while having a conversation? Have you ever heard of anything about tinnitus?

The first thing you should know is that this type of annoying and apparently sudden sounds are called tinnitus or tinnitus. They are something very common that almost 90% of the population has ever experienced. Now, there are people for whom this curious phenomenon can become a problem from the moment it is something persistent.

For what is this? What actually causes tinnitus? And more importantly,  how are they treated?

What are the causes of tinnitus?

Woman with tinnitus crisis

First of all, you must be clear about an important aspect: tinnitus or tinnitus is not a disease, but a symptom of an underlying problem that, as such, we must know. Although, it is something that practically all of us have “noticed” at some point, it is always interesting to know what causes them.

This is very important to prevent them and prevent them from becoming a daily problem. Next, we will look at the most common reasons.

1. Beware of very loud music

Listening to very loud music and then noticing ringing in your ears the rest of the day is undoubtedly an important warning for all those who do not measure the volume on their headphones.

Surely it has even happened to you sometime. You went out to do sports or to walk and decided to listen to music with your headphones. 30-60 and up to 90 minutes passed and you were still wearing your helmets. Then, when you took them off, you didn’t notice anything, but the rest of the day you would occasionally notice buzzing and beeping, brief but annoying.

For what is this? Basically, an occasional overstimulation of the auditory nerve, which can become a problem if you constantly subject your ears to very loud sounds, as can easily happen when listening to music with headphones.

2. Vascular abnormalities in the head and neck

Cervical pain

Tinnitus is caused by the vibration of the tissues around the ears.  There are people who have small vascular abnormalities in the muscles that surround the ear and jaw itself. It is even common that after a “whiplash” or a small contracture in the neck, we begin to notice these annoying sounds in one of the ears.

Generally, it can be temporary. However, sometimes, due to the anatomy of the face and the arrangement of the muscles or nerves, it is possible that we tend to suffer them more frequently.

3. Ménière’s syndrome

Ménière’s disease is a medical condition that affects the inner ear. It causes inflammation, dizziness, dizziness and hearing loss appear. In this type of ailment, it is very common to suffer from tinnitus.

Generally, Ménière’s syndrome is associated with progressive hearing loss, but today there are already various treatments that are obtaining good results. In any case, at the slightest symptom, it is advisable to consult a specialist to clear up any doubts.

4. Hypertension

There are many people who experience tinnitus in a very particular way: at night, when everything is quiet, they begin to hear a very regular pulsating sound. And it is even common to hear buzzing or something similar to the current of a river. It’s blood pressure.

If this happens to you frequently, see your doctor. 

5. Stress and anxiety

A high level of stress and anxiety sustained over time can produce various symptoms, including tinnitus.

It is important to know that these stress processes normally generate high muscle tension and are often concentrated in the area of ​​the facial and chewing muscles, which cause, for example, that our teeth grind and the mouth tighten.

Hence, all those who suffer from bruxism also experience this type of ringing or buzzing in the ears. You have to consider this!

Treatment for tinnitus

To properly treat tinnitus, we must first know what causes it. Sometimes, vasodilator medications are prescribed to promote proper blood circulation.

However, it will always be the doctor who offers us the best treatment, especially if your problem is associated with hypertension or if, for example, you have a more serious hearing problem.

At present, interesting musical therapies are being tried to relax and to reduce the frequency and intensity of the beeps. There are those who, for example, find great relief listening to the so-called “white noise”.

The following can also be used:

  • Take ginger infusions, it already has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Don’t drink alcohol or carbonated sodas.
  • Do not eat fried foods and spicy foods.
  • Stop including salt and white flour to your dishes.
  • Eliminate red meat and ultra-processed or canned foods from your diet.
  • Increase the consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as whole grain bread, nuts …

Finally, it is important that you know that, to treat tinnitus, food is always basic in these cases. The reason? Prevents inflammation, improves blood circulation and gives us a general balance.  If we also help ourselves with relaxation therapies, we will achieve a more holistic approach thanks to which we achieve a better quality of life.

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