Tips For Keeping A Young Brain

The brain is the organ par excellence of the central nervous system and the control center of the entire organism. It is also responsible for the complexity of thinking, memory, emotions, and language.

If we want to keep it young and protect its functions, we must provide it with the right food. Medicinal plants can also help us.

Brain Foods

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To nourish this organ we must choose foods rich in vitamins, minerals, vitamins and essential fatty acids:

  • Nuts, especially walnuts.
  • Ripe banana: contains vitamin B6, which is involved in the synthesis of dopamine.
  • Green tea: it is rich in antioxidants, essential to prevent cellular aging.
  • Cocoa: its consumption stimulates the release of endorphins.

    Coenzyme Q-10

    Coenzyme Q-10 is a powerful antioxidant essential to prevent cellular aging, as it is capable of neutralizing free radicals resulting from cellular respiration. In addition, it participates in the process of obtaining and transforming nutrients into energy.

    There are foods that help us to synthesize it naturally, such as nuts, cabbages or spinach. We can also choose to take it as a supplement, however, before opting for this option it is advisable to ask our doctor for advice.

    Ginkgo Biloba


    One of the best natural remedies to improve the cellular oxygenation process is ginkbo biloba. This plant has antioxidant properties that can promote brain activity.

    We can start taking it even before we notice the cognitive decline associated with aging. We can consume it, for example, in the form of an extract.

    Asiatic spark

    Also known as gotu kola, it is a  very popular plant in Ayurvedic medicine. It is used mainly as a healing agent, since it is capable of enhancing peripheral circulation. It is this fact that makes it a formidable option to prevent brain aging.


    Sometimes we tend to underestimate some plants that we have within reach and that, instead, have been used by our ancestors to treat many diseases.

    One of them is rosemary ( Rosmarinus officinalis ). It contains very useful antioxidant properties to prevent free radical damage. In addition, it  acts as a natural protector of the brain. However, we should consult a doctor about the possibilities of consumption if we suffer from high blood pressure.

    Already in ancient Greece it was used to improve memory. As an anecdote, the students wore a wreath of rosemary flowers on their foreheads before their exams.

    Peppermint essential oil

    Peppermint essential oil is an excellent brain stimulant that we can easily buy in a herbalist. We can gently rub our temples with a couple of drops of this oil, which is also very refreshing and has a very pleasant aroma.

    Exercise the brain

    As with any organ in our body: what is not used is atrophied. The brain is not exempt from this well-known premise, therefore, it is essential to carry out activities in which you have to reason. To exercise the brain we can:

    • Perform sudokus.
    • Play memory games and card games.
    • Make accounts.
    • Remember lists of objects.
    • Do reading comprehension exercises.
    • Perform balance exercises (tai chi).

      If at night we do not disconnect and our brain continues to function, we can take infusions of passionflower or valerian and try to be a few minutes with a blank mind before going to bed. Labor issues should not accompany us when leaving work. Just as important as using the brain is knowing how to let it rest.

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