To My Mother Queen, Because Despite The Falls She Never Lost Her Crown

The Mother’s Day holiday is celebrated on different dates throughout the world. However, most coincide in this month of May. The story tells that its origin dates back to the year 1865.

When Anna Maria Reves Jarvis decided to organize a specific day to bring together a large number of mothers to exchange experiences, thoughts and to discuss the situation of women in society. Where motherhood and its responsibilities were not yet too visible or recognized.

It should be noted that the figure of Anna Marie Jarvis daughter is also well known in the United States, like that of her own mother. The activist who fought for a long time for the rights of working mothers and to improve their social conditions, such as health, wages and children’s education.

Since those years of the 19th century in which the voice of women began to rise, a long time has undoubtedly passed. We have experienced changes, some triumphs and multiple recognitions. However, there is still a long way to go and many potholes to overcome in an increasingly complex and demanding society.

Today in our space we invite you to reflect on the role of mothers in our present.

Motherhood in today’s society, an adventure

Being a mother is much more than a simple label or a term that, suddenly, defines a woman at the moment that the wonderful and complex reality of raising a child falls into her hands.

  • Motherhood is not easy.

It is not for many reasons.  Today’s society still does not harmonize too much with the needs of raising a child, the leaves are too short, the working hours are not at all conciliatory.  And, in turn, are added those assistance policies that are so disrespectful towards the family.

  • The Nordic countries are today the maximum reference in the world. They offer maternity and paternity leave where the couple can share time with their babies, equally favoring that early bond with the child.
  • In addition , an adequate reconciliation is added.  Good hours, access to nursery schools and financial aid that encourages the birth rate.
  • Beyond those ideal scenarios of countries like Norway or Denmark, Most mothers must go on a complex adventure to balance schedules. Reach agreements with other family members to care for the children.

Sometimes they even have to consider having to reduce hours of their working day to take care of the little ones.

Every day is a good time to tell her how much we love her …


Beyond the difficulties of our political and social situation when raising a child. We must recognize the figure of mothers in our life.

  • We are facing a genetic link that may or may not exist, but which arises above all through that emotional union that makes up much more than a bond of love.
  • We are talking about a fabric that surrounds us. Of an affection that embraces, inspires and that integrates itself into our being very early and permanently.
  • A mother who is capable of giving us sincere affection, unflagging support. And that closeness always accessible but at the same time respectful is, without a doubt, a figure of power in our lives.
  • Mother’s Day is just a little excuse to celebrate a good meal or a good dinner with her. To give him a gift, a bouquet of flowers.

However, what we all have clear is that we do not need an exclusive day to remind her how much we love her or how much we admire her.

Any time is opportune, any day of the year is a good time to spend time with her.  To attend to her, look at her. Immerse ourselves in a trivial conversation that always gives rise to that magical complicity where we feel like children again. Where to feel cared for, pampered, valued …

My mother, my inspiration, that woman whose crown never fell

Mom was, is and will be a strong and brave woman. At first glance we do not appreciate his crown. But they all wear them because each of those women have fought a thousand battles that not everyone knows about.

  • Let’s think not only about our mothers. Let’s also think about our grandmothers and all that female lineage that faced hundreds of adversities.  Of deficiencies, of times of famine, of conflicts and even of loneliness.

On all those occasions they were able to raise a family on their own. With your own hands and efforts.

  • We all have those family stories where more than one woman is and continues to be our inspiration.

Today is a good day to remember the mothers of the past and the mothers of the present.

Today is a very propitious day to reflect on all that we still need to achieve. About how many social rights we miss in order to fulfill our role as working mothers and as women who want to build a happier present.  And a more dignified future for us and our children.

Every mom will undoubtedly appreciate your bouquet of flowers and a long hug from yours. However, we must never neglect this battle to achieve greater recognition in our society.

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