Walnuts And Their 10 Incredible Properties

Walnuts are a variety of dried fruits from the walnut, a tree native to Asia Minor and Europe. It is a food that can be eaten raw or as an ingredient in dishes and desserts.

Also, it has a very particular shape, which resembles that of the human brain. First, the pulp is white in color, covered by a thin yellow-brown skin. In addition, they have another, harder, round and thicker shell, which is darker.

Nutritional properties of walnuts

Although known as a high calorie food, walnuts are valued for their significant supply of essential nutrients. They are even classified as a healthy food, capable of promoting well-being in many aspects. Coinciding with this study carried out by the Institutd’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pii Sunyer (Barcelona), this food provides:

  • Protein
  • Fatty acids
  • Fiber
  • Antioxidants
  • Sterols
  • Minerals (sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium)
  • Vitamin B and Vitamin E

Although it is a small and difficult fruit to open due to its hard shell, it is a food with many benefits for a good development of the organism.

Walnuts and their 10 incredible properties

Walnuts have become one of the most consumed snacks in the world. Although they can be added in multiple recipes, there are those who prefer to eat them as a snack in their natural form, since they are satiating and do not affect the diet.

Although its fat content is slightly high, much of it is of the healthy type. In addition, it makes a significant contribution of protein and dietary fiber, the assimilation of which is key to promoting health. Let’s see below its 10 most outstanding properties.

1. Walnuts are anti-inflammatory

Nutmeg-shaped walnuts are an ideal spice

According to research conducted by the University of Barcelona Clinical Hospital,      walnuts work as a natural anti-inflammatory. Therefore, it is a food that reduces the risk of chronic diseases and premature cellular aging.

2. Helps prevent cardiovascular diseases

The consumption of nuts can serve as a support to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. According to a study conducted by the National Institute of Food and Drug Safety Evaluation (Korea), this food helps reduce high levels of all types of cholesterol, except the so-called “good cholesterol” or HDL.

As some know, having high cholesterol levels is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke. Therefore, walnuts, by containing healthy fatty acids and fiber, provide a protective effect.

3. Can improve blood circulation

Blood circulation

In addition to helping to take care of our heart health, the walnut seems to be useful for obtaining better blood circulation. This is due to the concentration of Vitamin B3 it contains.

In fact, a recent study carried out by the University of South Australia highlighted that the consumption of walnuts and other dried fruits improves vascular function. It also relaxes the blood vessels and, as a consequence, reduces the possibility of suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

4. Support weight loss

Despite being a high calorie food, moderate consumption of nuts is beneficial to support weight loss. Although it does not burn fat, it helps control appetite to limit your daily calorie intake.

According to a review by Purdue University (United States):

5. Improves the nervous system

The omegas 3 and 6 fatty acids in walnuts stimulate the functioning of the central nervous system. In this way, it allows a better functioning of neurons and a high activity of the brain.

In addition, a study carried out by the University of Karachi (Pakistan) determined that with the consumption of walnuts  we improve memory and increase our learning capacity.

6. Helps the immune system

The nutrients contained in walnuts, including vitamins B and E, fatty acids and antioxidants are beneficial on the activity of the immune system. Therefore, they positively affect their response to the presence of pathogens.

7. Liver problems

Liver problems

A liver disease is one that significantly damages the liver, causing it to stop or deteriorate its functioning. Therefore, it is important to know what kinds of foods can help protect this organ.

In this sense, walnuts should be mentioned in a special way, since, as highlighted by this research carried out by the University of Sydney (Australia), they  have a protective effect on the liver against conditions such as non-alcoholic fatty liver.

8. Prevent osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a condition that decreases bone mass, causing bones to be thin, weak, and brittle. In addition, it should be noted that there is a greater risk of osteoporosis when you are deficient in minerals such as copper, calcium and magnesium.

Fortunately, walnuts are rich in these minerals and therefore help maintain good bone health. They even stand out within the list of foods recommended in this study carried out by the University of Illinois to protect bones against deterioration caused by aging.

9. Improve mood


Times of stress, tiredness, and discouragement are sometimes due to a significant lack of nutrients. As a result, there are those who combat these moments by consuming sweets. However, the walnut, as well as other nuts, are just as effective. Its vitamins, minerals and antioxidants seem to help improve mood, according to this research conducted by the University of New Mexico (United States).  In this way, eating a nut daily can help relieve stress.

10. Skin care

To obtain healthy, smooth and youthful skin you need to obtain vitamin E, which is abundant in walnuts. Therefore, making use of masks or walnut oil we can give a complete care to the skin.

Risks of excessive consumption of nuts

It should be noted that, as with any other type of food, nuts should always be consumed in moderation. In fact, it is advisable to consult with a nutrition expert to indicate the ideal amount of nuts to consume on a daily basis.

In addition, if walnuts are abused, kidney stones can occur  due to the amounts of oxalic acid they contain, according to this study carried out by the National Food Agency of Sweden.


In conclusion, the moderate consumption of walnuts is very beneficial for health. Also , we recommend you eat a balanced diet and adequate physical activity. In this way, you can take advantage of all the benefits of this dried fruit.

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