We Must Learn To Get Away From Those Who Do Not Need Us

If you are used to using social networks, surely you already know that option called “Delete friend” . Sometimes we accumulate in these spaces people we do not really know, relationships that bring us little benefit. How to learn to walk away?

Today, and especially among younger people, it is common for friendships to end in this way. Who does not exist in their social networks, does not exist in their lives. It is a cold and somewhat impersonal way of breaking ties.

Now, taking this example, many of us should also do the same in real life. Sometimes we carry relationships behind our backs that greatly veto our personal growth.

However, it is not a question of knocking door to door to warn that we do not want any deal. It is only about knowing how to prioritize and not investing time and effort in those who do not deserve it.

When they no longer need us: The importance of knowing how to see it

It is not always easy to realize when that moment comes when we stop being important to someone. And not only that, something that can also happen is that they lose respect for us, and that need becomes interested. Maybe it’s time to learn to walk away.

It is necessary to know how to differentiate between those who genuinely need us and those who, in reality, have long since become “detached” from our hearts. We must face this knowing that there is even a grieving process, according to this study carried out by the National Autonomous University of Mexico. This does not always have to be for romantic reasons: it can also be extrapolated to other types of relationships.

If you have children, surely you have noticed that there always comes a time when they stop needing us. Now, this has to do with their own maturity, with their ability to be independent. Because the children, in reality, are always going to need us. We are talking, of course, of affections.

Interested relationships: when to learn to walk away?

There are friends who always appear on time at the most interested moments. When they need a favor, when they need to be heard “and only we know how to do it.” We must be careful in these cases.

  • We will show support, affection and understanding to our friends, as long as there is reciprocity. A friendship, like all types of relationships, is based on a sincere exchange of emotions and thoughts.
  • If you don’t feel any of these dimensions and you see that these people only look for you when they want something in return, it is time to learn to walk away.
  • It is not, as we have pointed out before, breaking the bond overnight. In reality, it is  enough just to tell the truth of what you feel and set limits.

“I can’t do this because it doesn’t suit me”, “I’m noticing that you only seek my friendship when you need something. I would like more recognition for my person from you ”.

The pleasure of caring who you really matter

Don’t worry if over the years you have had to leave a lot of people in your way. It is part of everyone to learn to walk away. Actually, that’s what life is about, moving forward to stay with the minimum, with what really matters and makes your heart big.

Those who walk lighter of mind and more loaded with heart enjoy greater happiness and therefore we should not be shy about leaving aside those who do not need us.

There will be times when you feel real pain when you realize that someone who is very significant to you has stopped giving importance to you. To recognize you, to need you.

Healing the pain of that discovery takes time but, in turn, we must always remember that the greatest love of our lives must always be ourselves. If you don’t love yourself and respect yourself, you won’t be able to open the door to second chances.

  • The people you really care about are actually very few, but they are certainly the best. It is not a question of “accumulating people” as we do in social networks. In real life we ​​prioritize and love what we have before us.
  • Those who really need you show it to you. And they do it with integrity, without selfishness or blackmail. Because whoever loves you respects you and knows how to establish that daily exchange where everyone wins and no one loses.
  • If the people who need you know how to show you, never forget to show reciprocity. Making those around us notice that we need them is a very powerful form of recognition, because it makes them feel useful, important and essential pieces in our closest network of affections.

People need many things to live: food, shelter, warmth, a house, moments of leisure and freedom. Now, we must not forget that the most important things in this world are not “things”, but people. 

Hence the importance of knowing how to take care of, care for, recognize and, without a doubt, leave behind useless weights that can only cause us harm and put brakes on our personal growth.

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