What Are The Contributions Of Nuts To The Diet

The nuts have burst into the current diet with force. Walnuts, pistachios, almonds, peanuts, pine nuts, hazelnuts … all of them provide large amounts of nutrients and promote the functioning of the body. For this reason they must be included in the usual diet.

The best thing is to consume the nuts between the main meals. They are a series of foods with a significant protein and fat content that helps reduce the feeling of anxiety and appetite, thus avoiding less healthy snacks based on ultra-processed products.

Characteristics and benefits of nuts

Nuts are seeds wrapped in a hard but edible shell and are made up of less than 50% water. They are very complete nutritionally and a great source of energy.

They are rich in antioxidants, compounds that help eliminate toxins and prevent cardiovascular diseases and oxidative stress. In addition, they have healthy fats and potassium, which helps protect blood vessels.

Among the most abundant nutrients are:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Vitamin A, B and E.
  • Magnesium.
  • Calcium.
  • Match.
  • Zinc.
  • Iron.
  • Copper.
  • Proteins.

To benefit from these nutrients, they must be consumed natural or roasted. Fried or salted foods alter their composition during processing and, far from promoting health, they may not even be beneficial. According to research published in the journal Cell Metabolism, it is always advantageous to avoid ultra-processed industrial products in order to maintain an adequate body weight.

Nuts for diet

Nuts are a great component in balanced and healthy diets. They help reduce the risk of obesity and cardiovascular disease, according to a study published in PLoS One . In addition, the fatty acids they provide are essential, since the body cannot produce them and needs to obtain them from external sources.

Why eat nuts to lose weight.

Less is always more

To maintain a healthy diet, they should be taken in moderation. Despite all its benefits, they should not be abused. It is a good idea to take them in the middle of the morning or as a snack, since they are satiating and help to get to the meal with less hunger.

The 5 best nuts

We are going to tell you which are the best nuts according to their nutritional value.

1. Peanut

Nuts: peanuts

Contains folic acid and protein. They are healthy for the heart thanks to the omega-6 fatty acids and fiber. These can be consumed whole or as a cream. If you opt for the second option, make sure that the chosen product does not have added sugars in its composition. Otherwise it would not be such a beneficial food.

2. Walnuts

These are one of the most important options when it comes to protecting your heart. It is one of the nuts that has the highest amount of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. In addition, it is also a great source of  vitamins, potassium, and magnesium.

dried fruits: walnuts

3. Pumpkin seeds

nuts: pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds contain antioxidants and are anti-inflammatory. They can help regulate blood levels, in addition, they are very satiating. According to the Dr. Navarro  Clinic, they are ideal for people suffering from depression, since they contain L-Tryptophan .

Anyway, keep in mind that pipes, like other nuts, are very energetic foods. If you overindulge it, you may experience an increase in weight. For this reason we recommend that you never eat pipes while doing another activity, as this will prevent you from quantifying the number of them you eat.

4. Hazelnuts

These nuts are distinguished from others by its high vitamin E content. They also have fiber, calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc. It contains plant proteins such as arginine, favorable for immune and enzymatic functions.

They provide energy, fibers and minerals necessary to prevent bone problems, injuries and risk of fractures. Hazelnuts can be eaten raw or in the form of creams. In any case, it is necessary to avoid those products with a low percentage of hazelnuts and a high sugar content, since they are not recommended for health.

nuts: hazelnuts for weight loss.

5. Pinions

One of the richest nuts in protein, they are also a great source of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, beneficial for cardiovascular health,  as stated in a publication in the Lancet. 

The negative part of pine nut consumption is its high price. It is a healthy food, but not suitable for all economies, since they are scarce and difficult to find. They can be ingested both in isolation and in various culinary preparations.

nuts: pine nuts

Eat nuts to improve health

These five nuts are an excellent source of energy and plant nutrients. They are a great contribution to the diet, as a condiment, appetizer or ingredient in recipes. Their versatility will make it easy to incorporate them into our daily diet.

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