What Is Chromotherapy And What Are Its Contributions To Health?

The use of the 7 colors of the solar spectrum as allies to balance the human organism and alleviate ailments is widespread in the world of alternative medicine and the New Age. 

For humans, colors are so important that, since ancient times, they have been used – in one way or another – as a way to help alleviate various types of physical, mental and emotional problems. Have you ever heard of chromotherapy? Are you interested in knowing more about it? In case your answer is yes, do not stop reading everything that we are going to tell you below.

Although overlooked by many, in the world of alternative currents, colors are a therapeutic tool that can serve as a complement to other treatments to help promote the well-being of the body. This is what is known as chromotherapy.

What is chromotherapy?

Meditation - Chakras - Human body - Sensuality - chromotherapy

Chromotherapy is a therapeutic method that aims to help control physical, psychological and energetic alterations that affect the well-being of human beings. It brings together the contributions of psychology, metaphysics, art and medicine, using the chromatic spectrum into which sunlight is divided.

Its purpose is to achieve a balance of body and mind, taking advantage of the ability of colors to calm, excite or inspire, among other effects.

The seven colors used correspond to the seven main chakras, so there is a strong link between them, especially when performing therapies.

What can be the contributions of colors to well-being?

Chromotherapy uses the three primary colors and their combinations. Likewise, for centuries, each one has a defined meaning, based on the natural and sensory experience that has been achieved with its application.

1. Red

  • First, it transmits energy and initiative. It is stimulating and provides strength.
  • In addition, it is indicated for physical apathy, atony, cases of hypotension and colds.
  • However, it is not recommended in cases of anxiety or emotional disturbance. Excess is believed to cause irritation and fatigue.

    2. Yellow

    • It is considered a purifying color. It gives clarity, joy and enthusiasm.
    • It is related to sunlight and joy.
    • In excess it can be annoying for some people.
    Agrimony plant.

    3. Orange

    • It is a color that is obtained from red and yellow; for this reason, the activity of both influences its effects.
    • Promotes emotional health, communication and creativity.
    • It is encouraging and combats mental blocks.
    • In excess it can cause nervousness and agitation.

    4. Blue

    • It is a natural painkiller. According to this study carried out by a team from the University of Balochistan (Pakistan) , it could help reduce pain.
    • It is indicated in case of excess stress and fatigue.
    • In addition, it awakens intuition and, along with green, talent.
    • It is not recommended in case of melancholy or self-absorption.

      5. Green

      • This balancing color, between yellow and blue, is a restorative that helps calm physical and mental fatigue.
      • It is considered the tone of optimism and hope.
      • In excess it can depress or weaken.

      6. Violet

      Violet flowers.

      • It is a color that improves mental performance. Calms and reassures  reducing anxiety, fear and memory problems.
      • It is believed that it favors inspiration.
      • But, in excess, it can lead to grief or anger.

      How is chromotherapy applied?

      Chromotherapy is complemented by other therapeutic methods to improve health. Its main applications are given in the following ways:

      • Colored light. It consists of baths of light through the use of colored bulbs or filters to apply the appropriate color.
      • Colored fabrics. The body is covered with natural fabrics of the appropriate color. This use also encompasses the person’s clothing.
      • Decor. The colors of home décor items can influence the mood of your occupants and visitors.
      • Chromatic elixirs. It consists of charging the water with the vibration of color, using painted glass and sunlight. Later, this water is used for drinking or bathing.
      • Chromatic feeding. It consists of incorporating in the diet as much food as the desired color.
      • Chromopuncture. In this, the application of colored light beams is carried out at the indicated acupuncture points.
      • Meditation. Through meditation, color and its characteristics are visualized to create a physical and mental balance.

      What must be taken into account about chromotherapy?

      Although some research has found various related findings, it is important to know that there are still not enough studies to support the supposed therapeutic properties of colors at an advanced level. For this reason, it is important that, in case of suffering any ailment, you consult a specialist. Chromotherapy should only serve as an adjunct, never as the main treatment.

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