What Is The 10/20 Method For Organizing The House And How Is It Applied?

If you are one of those people who do not like to clean or leave home cleaning for the weekend, then this article is for you. We are going to tell you what the 20/10 method of organizing the house is, how it works and why it is a success around the world.

Rachel Hoffman came up with this cleaning system for everyone who wants their habitat to look neat and clean. It encompasses students, single people, couples and families, as we all deserve a clean place to live without exhausting ourselves in the attempt.

In this sense, it differs from other more traditional disciplines that only include typical families in which the woman is in charge of maintaining order. Hoffman says such outdated and perfectionist methods do not address people with disabilities, physical or mental illnesses, or people who work outside the home all day.

There are many who cannot organize with cleaning due to different circumstances and this method comes in handy, since they can apply it without inconvenience.

What is the 10/20 method?

Hoffman’s proposal is simple: get rid of the endless cleaning days and change them for short periods of work alternated with breaks. He asks us to clean for 20 minutes and rest for 10.

For this we have to use a stopwatch, so that we make sure to strictly comply with the minutes allotted for work and for rest.

During the well-deserved 10 minutes of recess we can check the mail, social networks, have tea or go for a walk with the dog. They belong to us and we have to take advantage of them in the way that we please. Of course, when the alarm goes off, get to work again.

On the other hand, the creator of this system invites us to keep an eye on the little things and not on the general disorder we have at home. For example, instead of focusing on the kitchen mess, let’s look at the dirty dishes and wash them.

If we handle one thing at a time instead of thinking about the big picture, the results will be more rewarding.

How can the 20/10 method be applied in home cleaning?

Hoffman published a book called “Unf * ck your habitat: you’re better than your mess” (it doesn’t have an official Spanish translation yet, so it would literally be something like ‘Dusting off your habitat: you are better than your mess’). There he gives us some tips that we will review below.

Disorder in a house that does not apply the 20/10 method.

1. Take a before and after photo

When you are done, you will be able to see clearly that your effort has paid off and will motivate you to continue with this cleaning system. In addition, you will have in view which are the most problematic parts of your home and if you have forgotten to order something.

2. Make the bed daily

It will take less than a minute and the benefits are many. The overall picture of your room will change completely just by having the bed made. It is much more comforting to go back to sleep in a tidy than in one that is not.

3. Open the windows

Ventilate your home to purify the air, eliminate odors and bacteria. Especially in winter, when we are used to not opening them due to low temperatures.

4. Wash the dishes

When we finish eating, it is normal for laziness to invade us and we want to leave the washing of dishes for later or for the next day. Error!

As much as you do anything else, the thought will haunt you that you will have to do it at some point. Also, the dirt on the dishes will be more difficult to remove and will add an odor in your kitchen.

5. Clean the refrigerator

Start by throwing out everything that is old, expired and gives off a bad smell. Go through all the containers, even those hidden at the end that seem forgotten.

Then clean the shelves and compartments well. Finally, put things back in storage by posting the ones you use the most in easy-to-access sites.

6. Start with the largest space

If you start with the smallest rooms, you run the risk of getting tired quickly and not ending up with the largest spaces that you use the most. On the other hand, if you finish first with the larger stay, you will feel fulfilled and motivated to move on.

7. Start from the top down

This rule applies to everything from tall cabinets with shelves to houses with more than one story. Cleaning always begins from the highest compartments in the case of furniture and the upper floors for homes.

8. Pick up everything that is on the floor

Nothing should be left on the floor that does not go there. When you start cleaning, try to keep the items you are lifting in their place and not just leave them there.

9. Complete the laundry loop

Hoffman emphasizes a very common mistake that many of us make. We wash the clothes, put them to dry and, when we pick them up, we leave them in the basket instead of putting them away

In this way the circuit remains unfinished and the clothes pile up until they form a mountain that seems impossible to order. Remember to wash, dry, collect and store.

10. Clean the floor

Finally, we are in a position to clean the floor, either with a damp cloth or a vacuum cleaner. Clever! Your house looks the way you wanted and you still have energy to enjoy the day.

Cleaning the floor is the ultimate in the 20/10 method.

What are the benefits of the 20/10 method?

There are other methods of tidying the house, such as the so-called cleaning marathon . It consists of starting and not stopping until everything is in order. It can take us a whole day.

The worst thing is that, generally, it is done on weekends, because from Monday to Friday we have other obligations. This is how we spend our rest days cleaning and when the beginning of the week arrives we are exhausted.

The fatigue that remains after a cleaning marathon generates a negative feeling towards the task. As much as we consider maintaining order from now on, as the days go by, history repeats itself.

Among the advantages of the 20/10 method we can mention the following:

  • We can keep the house clean by doing a little bit each day instead of letting clutter and dirt accumulate that we then have to clean all together.
  • Being an inclusive cleaning system, it is suitable for people suffering from physical pain or disability.
  • We will create a good cleaning habit if we do it for a little while every day. Remember that we need 21 days to build a habit that we can then maintain on a daily basis.

Why you should try the 10/20 method

The proposal of cleaning according to time intervals is very tempting and we think it is worth giving it a try. As you may have seen, it is not about being experts in cleaning and less than loving order.

With small daily actions our home can be kept clean and tidy and we will still have time to enjoy it. Now that you know what the 10/20 method is, do you have your camera ready to start with the first point?

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