10 Benefits Of Showering With Cold Water

However, the benefits of water go beyond internal consumption. External contact with it is in most cases essential for health.

It has been shown how cold water can be more beneficial in promoting certain functions of the body.  This is a source of life that plays a great role in our body both internally and externally. In a basic way, by keeping the body hydrated, the proper functioning of the body is promoted.

However, the benefits of water go beyond internal consumption. External contact with it is in most cases essential for health. The shower, for example, is a habit of hygiene and health.

In general, this process is usually done with warm or hot water, as it is more relaxing. However, it is not the most recommended, it has been proven that cold water is more beneficial for the skin and some body functions.

Benefits of showering with cold water

Stimulates the immune system and stimulates circulation

When we shower with cold water, the  body reacts by stimulating the immune system .  This favors the body as it can cause it to be able to react better against viruses and infections.

For people with circulation problems, cold water is a very effective therapy since it promotes good blood circulation. It is worth mentioning that it also helps to better distribute oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.

Wake up the organism

Cold water stimulates the body, activates it and puts it on alert. A cold water bath is recommended to start the day and get rid of the feeling of fatigue. In the same way, it is also favorable for after exercise practices in the morning hours.

Other benefits of showering with cold water

Provides benefits to the skin

Cold water is very beneficial for the skin both in its internal and external consumption. After experiencing this practice,  the skin tends to retain its firmness and elasticity.  On the contrary, hot water favors sagging skin, can dry it out and promotes the appearance of wrinkles at an early age.

Beautiful skin micellar water

Keeps hair healthy

Cold water is very beneficial for the hair as it prevents dryness. High temperatures often detract from hydration. However, this type of practice with water at cooler temperatures is ideal for preventing dandruff and hair loss.

Showering with cold water helps prevent varicose veins

By improving circulation and causing vascular contraction, cold water can help prevent varicose veins. In addition, it also has a positive effect by helping to visibly reduce them.

Can help relieve stress and fight depression

Studies have found that this practice can help reduce stress and anxiety. However, it is very beneficial to consult a specialist in advance about the symptoms of the problem and the different solutions.

Recommendations for showering with cold water

If there is no habit of showering with cold water, it may be difficult to start having this good habit. A tip when it comes to taking advantage of the benefits of this practice is to gradually adapt to cold water. It is also advisable to carry out this process very frequently.

Cold water for burns.

Thus, the following tips are recommended:

  • First of all, it is best to start the shower with lukewarm water and lower the water temperature. The idea is to avoid experiencing a sudden change between hot and cold.
  • As the days go by, you can start the shower instead of a warm temperature, with a colder one. The idea is to keep the habit.

It is worth mentioning that in winter it is also recommended to maintain the good habit of experiencing cold showers. It is true that at this time it can take more work to do it but it is very wise to continue with the custom.

However, in the event that the person does not feel able to bear the temperature and, for example, suffers or shivers from the cold, in this case it is best to opt for warm water. Being too cold can lead to certain diseases.

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