10-day Diet To Detoxify Your Body From Sugar

Although at first it may cost us to get used to it, the truth is that a diet without sugar can help us improve many of our functions and detoxify the body.

It is common to think that it is necessary to detoxify the body after having committed excesses with ultra-processed and junk, now have you ever thought about detoxifying your body from sugar? If you are one of those who consume this product frequently, perhaps you should consider it and then we will give you reasons for it.

The organism is an engine that has fuel all the foods ingested through the diet. If large amounts of beneficial products are ingested, it will work in good condition. However, if unhealthy products are consumed, it will begin to have problems.

Sugar should be noted as one of the most dangerous products in the diet. And it is that this is associated with the appearance of ailments such as cancer, diabetes or heart disease, among others.

Mark Hyman’s diet

3 things successful diets have in common

Taking into account the aforementioned, an idea arose in order to control the levels of sugar that should be consumed during daily food intake. In turn, the intention is to detoxify the body of the component in question. The creator of this was Dr. Hyman, who called it the “Mark Hyman diet.”

The main objective of this is to cause a reverse effect on the addiction of sugar. Thus we allow the body not to be dependent on it and in turn eliminate all excesses. The following are the 10 ideas applied by the Mark Hyman diet, which can be put into practice in as little as ten days. Go for them!

1. Make sure you need it

Diet is one of the most important human practices. Modifying it is complex, but necessary for the health of the body. You must make this determination knowing that you need to detoxify your body from sugar.

2. Make the decision without protocols

As its name suggests, in this step you should stop suddenly and not consume a single gram of sugar. This refers to everything that can be included in its components, especially sweets and sweets.

3. No caloric drinks

Caloric index drinks are numerous and people tend to consume them fairly regularly. This is the case of sugary coffee or tea, sports drinks, soft drinks and sodas, which inject sugar into the body.

These drinks are more dangerous for the body compared to solid foods. According to a study published in QJM , the intake of sweetened or sugary liquids increases the risk of obesity.

So, to detoxify your body from sugar, you better start giving priority to the consumption of water and natural drinks without added sugars or sweeteners.

4. Consume protein

Protein foods

Sugar provides energy to the body; however, there are other components much better than this one. This is the case of proteins. These are considered a great source of carbohydrate-free energy. Its consumption has proven to be essential to ensure muscle health.

To detoxify your body from sugar, we recommend including foods such as eggs, nuts, fish, and chicken in your diet.

5. Carbohydrates, only those present in vegetables

The body needs a quantity of carbohydrates and some vegetables offer this component. Therefore, they should be included in the diet for 10 consecutive days, since this is the best way to detoxify your body from sugar.

6. Vegetable fat to fight sugar

Fat from plant foods is quite healthy. This does not lead to weight gain, but rather helps fight blood sugar.

The best option is to include foods such as avocado, walnuts or coconut oil in the diet. These foods contain omega 3 fatty acids, capable of reducing cardiovascular risk according to a study published in The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.

7. Avoid temptation

Junk food is bad for your health

Our surroundings can be full of unhealthy foods, sweets or fast foods, among others. This is why an emergency package full of diet-friendly products should be on hand. Those named above can serve.

8. Control breathing to combat stress

Before each meal you should try to take at least five deep and slow breaths in order to modify the metabolism of fat. This, in turn, will relax the body and prevent the stimulation of cortisol, something that will help you detoxify your body from sugar.

9. Avoid inflammation-promoting habits

The problem with people revolves around their customs. Consuming gluten, dairy or smoking are the main causes of inflammation. When the body presents these pictures it tends to become unbalanced with respect to blood sugar. So, avoid anything that can bloat you, from overeating to sedentary lifestyle.

10. Sleep well

At the moment of interrupting the minimum 8 hours of sleep, the body stimulates the appearance of hunger hormones. That is why we need to consume large amounts of sugar just when we get up.

If you want to detoxify your body from sugar, you have to get used to a good night’s sleep and try to maintain a good sleep routine. For this there are many rituals that can help you. How about a chamomile infusion two hours before going to bed and some deep breathing and meditation exercises?

Reduce sugar in your diet now and gain health and wellness

As you can see, regular consumption of refined sugar is capable of damaging health. For this reason, it is advisable to avoid, as far as possible, this product. Betting on detoxifying your body from sugar can be very positive for your health and well-being in the long term. Do it by following the advice that we have shared here, and if you have any questions, remember that you can always consult your family doctor or nutritionist.

Additionally, it would be recommended that you begin to maintain a more active lifestyle. Choose an activity or exercise that you enjoy and do it regularly, as this will help you stay at a healthy weight.

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