10 Shortcuts To Lose Weight In A Healthy And Fast Way

Water, in addition to helping us eliminate toxins, allows us to stay full and improves our digestion, so it is essential in our day to day lose weight.

Having a stable and healthy weight has become one of the main needs of all human beings. Taking into account that there are many who are trying to achieve it, here we talk about certain shortcuts to lose weight. Overweight and obesity are factors that trigger serious health conditions such as heart disease.

A sedentary lifestyle and poor diet are the two main causes of weight gain above appropriate levels. However, it has been shown that constant stress, anxiety and harmful habits such as alcohol and cigarette consumption also influence.

Shortcuts to lose weight

To reduce the body mass index to stable levels, it is essential to modify daily habits and try to adopt a healthier lifestyle. In this sense, there are 10 healthy “shortcuts” with which you can achieve the goal without putting health at risk. We share them in detail below.

1. Moderate alcohol consumption

Weight Loss Shortcuts: Moderate Alcohol Consumption

The consumption of alcoholic beverages is one of the factors that people ignore the most when they want to lose weight. Although these do not pose a great risk when taken in moderation, they do influence overweight due to their high calorie content. They have also shown to be capable of increasing the incidence of many chronic diseases.

If we add to this that almost everyone associates their intake with fast food and soft drinks, then we are more convinced of why they prevent us from having a healthy weight.

2. Avoid eating late at night

The dinner time is essential to maintain weight control. Those people with the bad habit of eating food after 9 pm tend to be more obese.

This is because the body does not have enough time to digest food well. Then they end up accumulating in the form of fat.

To top it off, they also cause sleeping difficulties and can lead to eating more calories throughout the night.

Getting used to an early dinner and a light meal is part of the shortcuts to losing weight. It is also a healthy habit.

3. Increase water consumption

Weight Loss Shortcuts: Increase Your Water Consumption

A thousand times we have stressed the importance of drinking water to maintain a healthier body. This precious liquid participates in the functions of the vital organs and also plays a fundamental role in what has to do with beauty. In addition, the intake of water before meals is capable of increasing satiety, according to a study published in Clinical Nutrition Research.

In terms of weight, it is an excellent help. Well, it helps to clean toxins and improves metabolism. Its consumption increases the feeling of satiety and is essential to maintain a good digestive process.

4. Adopt an exercise routine

The practice of daily physical activity is the best complement to burn calories. Although diet is perhaps the most influential factor, exercise is a great way to achieve better results.

Taking into account that you have to eat less and spend more, it is necessary to look for a type of training that includes cardiovascular and resistance movements. Do not forget that there is evidence that interval exercise is very effective for losing weight.

5. Sleep well and improve weight

Not maintaining a proper sleep schedule is a great enemy for the figure. The not getting enough sleep increases the segregation of hormones that stimulate appetite and leads to eating more calories due.

6. Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables

Weight Loss Shortcuts: Increase Your Fruit and Vegetable Consumption

Fresh fruits and vegetables are loaded with essential nutrients. These stimulate the metabolism to burn fat more easily. Therefore it is one of the shortcuts to losing weight.

Experts recommend eating at least 5 servings a day to absorb adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals.

7. Chew food well

That’s how it is! Something as simple as chewing food well can positively influence the results when losing weight.

Taking enough time to eat well and without stress is one way to support digestive functions and the processes by which the body loses weight.

8. Eat protein for breakfast

Weight Loss Shortcuts: Eating Protein for Breakfast

Consuming protein during breakfast helps increase the feeling of fullness for the rest of the day.

Eating an egg or drinking yogurt contributes to improving physical and mental performance. This helps to have a better focus towards the goal.

9. Plan the menu to lose weight

One of the reasons many don’t eat well is because they are improvising their main meals for the day all the time. So planning a menu for the week is another shortcut to losing weight.

To be more sure of eating healthy, it is good to plan your menu in advance. Looking for recipes that are really healthy and not so high in calories.

10. Reduce calorie intake

It is not about eliminating foods from the diet. It consists of knowing how to combine them so that they do not contribute calories in excess. A balanced diet and in the right portions contributes to consuming enough calories for the body to function in optimal condition.

A low calorie meal plan helps you achieve a more stable weight. This should never be below 1,500 calories a day. Reducing your intake of 500 to 1,000 calories a day will have a pretty good impact on your quest to lower your body mass index.

Improve weight loss habits

Did you take note? By following these recommendations as part of your daily habits, you will lose weight in a matter of weeks. The important thing is to be constant and not get carried away by the temptations and obstacles that appear.

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