3 Recipes That You Can Prepare With A Can Of Tuna

Are you looking for quick and nutritious preparations? Don’t have enough time to cook? If your answers are yes, be sure to try the following recipes with a can of tuna. Believe it or not, these types of preserves are ideal for making simple and healthy dishes.

While it is true that the ideal is to consume fresh products, cans can be a good option when we have to get out of a hurry. Best of all, the flavor of tuna is easily combined with other ingredients, allowing you to enjoy varied and delicious meals. Take note!

Nutritional properties of tuna

Tuna is one of the most recommended varieties of blue fish to maintain a balanced diet. Not only does it provide significant amounts of protein, it is also a significant source of polyunsaturated fatty acids; omega3: EPA and DHA.

These healthy fats are noted for their benefits for the brain and cardiovascular health. In fact, they are attributed anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant properties that contribute to the prevention of heart disease. They are also beneficial for controlling cholesterol.

Among other things, tuna provides:

  • Vitamins A, B and D
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Niacin
  • Calcium

Now, you have to keep in mind that its nutritional value can vary a bit when it is processed for canning. Despite this, it is still a nutritious food that can be enjoyed regularly in the diet. Try the following recipes.

Recipes with a can of tuna

1. Pasta with a can of tuna, fried tomato and vegetables

macaroni with tomato and can of tuna

This recipe can be adapted depending on the ingredients that we have, varying the vegetables with which we will accompany the tuna and tomato sauce. Not all vegetables combine well with each other, so factors such as their water content, sweetness and acidity must be taken into account.

Ingredients (for 2 people)

  • Whole wheat pasta (160 g)
  • Fried tomato, preferably homemade, although it can be canned (200 g)
  • 2 cans of tuna (370 g)
  • 1 small carrot
  • 1/2 onion
  • 1/2 zucchini
  • Olive oil
  • Oregano and garlic powder
  • Grated cheese of our choice


  • First, boil the pasta in plenty of water with a little salt.
  • While the pasta is cooking, peel the vegetables you have chosen, in this case, the zucchini, the onion and the carrot, and cut them into strips with the help of a mandolin or a vegetable peeler.
  • Next, put a little olive oil in a pan, spread it well and when it warms up, add the previously cut vegetables.
  • Cook over medium-low heat for about 15 minutes until you notice that the vegetables are tender enough.
  • Add the fried tomato to the pan and a can of shredded natural tuna.
  • Rectify with salt, sprinkle oregano and garlic powder or any spice of your liking and let it cook over low heat for about 5 minutes, so that all the flavors are integrated.
  • Finally, add grated cheese and you will have your recipe ready.

2. Tomatoes stuffed with tuna

It is a very simple, colorful and versatile recipe that can be served as an aperitif at a family dinner, or as a main dish accompanied by a vegetable puree or a legume salad.


  • 10 large tomatoes
  • Onion (150 g)
  • 2 cans of tuna in olive oil (370 g)
  • 10 pitted green or black olives
  • 8-10 walnuts
  • Garlic powder


  • First, wash and dry the tomatoes.
  • With the help of a knife, cut the upper part of the tomato and carefully empty its interior with the help of a spoon. Add a little salt and garlic powder to each and set aside.
  • Cut an onion julienne style and add it to a pan with oil and cook over medium heat until you see that it is taking color. If our canned tuna is preserved in olive oil we can take advantage of it for this step, if on the contrary it is natural or with sunflower oil, it is preferable to use olive oil to make the vegetable stir-fry.
  • Once the onion is ready, add the inside of the tomatoes that we previously emptied and leave them on the fire for about three minutes.
  • Add the walnuts and chopped olives.
  • Finally add the drained and crumbled tuna cans and carefully fill the tomatoes.
  • As a final touch you can sprinkle with oregano or pepper to give it a more personal flavor.
  • Let stand a few minutes and it is ready to consume.

3. Legume salad with a can of tuna

Eat tuna

The following recipe is very quick and requires little elaboration. As with the previous ones, it can be varied depending on the food we have.


  • 1 pot of cooked legumes of your choice (200 g)
  • 2 cans of tuna (370 g)
  • 1 small carrot
  • 1 can of sweet corn
  • 12 black olives
  • Mozzarella cheese (100 g)


  • First, rinse the canned vegetables, drain them well and arrange them in a deep dish.
  • Open the can of tuna and add it to the plate.
  • Wash and peel the carrot and make small strips with the help of a vegetable peeler.
  • Slice the olives and add them to the mixture.
  • Add the diced mozzarella and the can of sweet corn.
  • Mix everything well, add vinegar, oil and salt to taste and let it cool for a few minutes.
  • It is ready to consume!

Have you already tried these recipes with a can of tuna? Go ahead and prepare any of these options and save time while still eating healthy.

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