4 Recipes For Mashed Potatoes And Steamed Vegetables

Without a doubt, a healthy diet includes vegetables. The challenge is finding different ways to prepare and serve the vegetables. Even getting children to eat them. In this case something simple for the whole family: ura of potatoes and steamed vegetables. It is a healthy option rich in carbohydrates, potassium and vitamin B5. 

Also read 8 Amazing Benefits You Get With Raw Potato Juice

Steamed Mashed Potato and Vegetable Recipes

1. Mashed potatoes with celery

Mashed potatoes with celery

We are going to start by making a special preparation of mashed potatoes with a touch of celery. It is simply mashed potatoes but with a special flavor.


  • Salt to taste).
  • Potatoes (1 bag, 500 g).
  • Celery bulb (300 g).
  • Whole milk (150 mL).
  • Butter (125 g).


    1. First, wash the potatoes well and put them with their skin in water in a pot.
    2. Then add a little salt and cook them for 30 minutes.
    3. Meanwhile, peel the celery bulb and cut it into small pieces. Put it to cook for 20 minutes.
    4. Remove the potatoes from the water and peel them while they are still warm.
    5. Then, mix the potatoes and celery, pass them through the steak until you get a very fine cream.
    6. So, transfer this cream to a pot and add the butter.
    7. Heat over low heat, stirring constantly.
    8. Finally, put the milk to heat and before it starts to boil, add it to the cream.

    You can use other vegetables and plants but remember that it is still a puree and not a cream.

    2. Steamed vegetables with gratin cheese

    steamed vegetables


    • 1 tray of Oaxaca cheese (it is also known as string cheese or quesillo (250 g).
    • 1 small cup of sweet corn (125 g).
    • 3 carrots (60 g).
    • 1 broccoli (300 g).


    1. Wash and disinfect the vegetables well.
    2. Then, chop the vegetable into small pieces.
    3. Next, gather all the ingredients in aluminum foil and wrap them.
    4. Finally, cook the vegetables in a pot, over medium heat, for 20 minutes.

    Serve these steamed vegetables with your mashed potatoes to accompany your white meat or pasta.

    3. Breast stuffed with steamed vegetables

    Breast stuffed with steamed vegetables

    Here we have incorporated the stuffed breast into the steamed vegetables and mashed potatoes.

    Next, we offer you the recipe to prepare the breast.

    Ingredients (for one serving)

    • Variety of vegetables to taste (to steam).
    • Chicken breast in fillets (250 g).
    • Ground toast bread (300 g).
    • Ham (200 g).
    • 1 egg (60 g).


    1. First, place the amount of ham and yellow cheese that you like on the filleted breast.
    2. Once the breast is stuffed, pass it several times over a scrambled egg in a bowl.
    3. Then you pass it on the ground toast bread.
    4. Next, fry your breasts in a pan with a little oil.
    5. Finally, drain them well and serve along with your steamed vegetables and mashed potatoes.

    4. Steamed salmon with buttered vegetables

    Steamed salmon with buttered vegetables

    This dish is easy to prepare, very delicious and nutritious. You should know  that the recipe includes holy leaf,  an herb that is usually found in Mexico. If you live in a Latin American community, you will likely find it at your local store as well.

    But don’t be upset if you can’t find it. Steamed salmon is very delicious even without the holy leaf leaves.


    • Sprigs of epazote.
    • 1/4 of an onion (55 g).
    • 1/4 of salmon (55 g).
    • 5 holy leaves (10 g).
    • 1 red tomato (220 g).
    • Butter and salt (to taste).


    1. First coat the salmon with the butter evenly.
    2. Place a holy leaf on aluminum foil and put the salmon on top.
    3. Then, cut the chili into slices, the onion into julienne strips and add them to the salmon along with the sprigs of epazote.
    4. Next, cover the salmon with the holy leaves using the aluminum foil.
    5. Then, place it on a hot griddle and leave it for 15 minutes or when it begins to steam over the aluminum foil.
    6. Finally, serve shora alongside the mashed potatoes and enjoy.

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