4 Shakes That We Can Take During Pregnancy

During pregnancy it is essential that we include in our diet all the necessary nutrients for the correct development of the fetus. We can take advantage of its properties to alleviate typical discomforts of this stage

During the months of pregnancy we need to eat very nutritious foods, rich in fat and protein, but that are healthy and contain a good amount of vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients for the health of the mother and the baby.

In this article we explain how you can achieve this challenge in a simple way with these delicious shakes that will provide you with everything you need to make you feel energetic, vital and in a good mood.

4 Delicious shakes to consume during pregnancy:

1. Pineapple and ginger

Pineapple and ginger

This shake has a delicious tropical flavor, with a spicy touch, and you can have it at any time of the day.

The great advantage of this recipe is that it will help you to calm the nausea, dizziness and vomiting, so common in the first months. Ginger is the natural remedy par excellence to combat these symptoms effectively.

On the other hand, pineapple will facilitate the elimination of liquids, which will make you feel more active and light during the day, especially if you tend to suffer from swelling in some parts of the body.

How do we prepare it?

  • For a smoothie we will need a slice of ripe and fresh pineapple and a slice of fresh peeled ginger.
  • We beat it well and, if we want, we can strain it to avoid the fibers.

2. Blueberries and avocado

Blueberries and avocado

This smoothie with an exquisite flavor and smooth texture is ideal for the mornings, since it will provide us with all the necessary nutrients to face the day with energy.

Blueberries are fruits that improve the circulation of the body, which will help us prevent heaviness and the appearance of varicose veins.

In addition, they are also the most effective and natural option to prevent and treat urine infections. If we suffer them on a recurring basis, blueberries will be the best prevention.

For its part, avocado is a fruit that, due to its nutrients, is considered a superfood.

Rich in vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber and fatty acids, it is the ideal option so that the pregnant woman does not have nutritional deficits and feels satisfied without regrets. Plus, the avocado will add creaminess to this smoothie.


  • ½ avocado
  • A handful of fresh blueberries
  • ½ glass of water (100 ml)

How do we prepare it?

  • We will process all the ingredients until we obtain a homogeneous mixture. The water will help keep it from being too thick.
  • If we want it sweeter, we can add a little honey.

3. Figs and sesame milk

Figs and sesame milk

Calcium is one of the most important minerals during pregnancy, since it is essential for a good development of the baby and also so that the mother does not have deficiencies.

Milk and its derivatives are rich in calcium.

However, some studies have shown that the calcium in these foods is not assimilated as well as we think, so in this case we are going to offer you a vegetarian option with two foods that also contain this mineral: figs and sesame milk.

In addition, figs are a very simple way to prevent and combat constipation, one of the most common problems during pregnancy.


  • 5 tablespoons of sesame seeds, raw or toasted (50 g)
  • A glass of water (200 ml)
  • 3 fresh figs

How do we prepare it?

  • We will add the 5 tablespoons of sesame and the water to the blender glass and process for a minute.
  • We will strain the content to remove the fiber and we will use this sesame milk to beat it again with three fresh figs.
  • The sesame fiber can be used in recipes for cookies or cakes.

4. Pear, spinach and almond milk

In this complete shake we find the essential ingredients to obtain a good dose of iron, a mineral that should not be lacking during pregnancy.

Both the pear and the fresh spinach provide us with iron. In addition, the pear is rich in silicon, a mineral that is very beneficial for the elasticity of the skin and the flexibility of the tissues.

The almond, like all nuts, is a fundamental choice during pregnancy. This dried fruit has a lot of fiber, which regulates intestinal transit, is excellent during lactation and is also rich in vitamin E, vitamin B, zinc, omega 6 fatty acids and calcium.


  • 200 ml of almond drink (1 glass)
  • 1 handful of fresh spinach
  • 1 ripe pear

How do we prepare it?

  • We can use almond drink from the one sold in diet stores or in some supermarkets. If we decide to prepare it at home, we will leave a handful of almonds to soak overnight and the next day we will do the same procedure as with sesame.
  • We remove the seeds from the pear and reserve.
  • Next we will beat the almond milk with the ripe pear and the handful of fresh spinach and, if possible, organic, until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.

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