5 Cleaning Tricks You Should Know If You Don’t Like Cleaning

Do you not like housework? Don’t worry, the good news is that there are some cleaning tricks you should know to make it easier for you to tidy up, sweep and clean.

Maybe you’ve heard that keeping your house tidy every day avoids that feeling of discomfort that comes with having to do tasks. If you have put this advice into practice you will know that, with small sacrifices, you can achieve a state of comfort and peace.

Therefore, if you are one of the people who do not like to clean, do not hesitate to follow some of these recommendations that differ from the idea of ​​spending an entire afternoon cleaning thoroughly.

Cleaning tips you should know

The following cleaning tips that we are going to share are just a few of the many that exist to save you time and effort. Take note!

Mother and daughter doing the cleaning.

1. Use multi-surface cleaning wipes

This simple cleaning tool is all the rage nowadays, and it offers you some advantages for daily cleaning in the kitchen or bathroom.

This is demonstrated by a study published by researcher Travis Lodhia at the University of Arizona, who determined that these act against bacteria such as E. Coli.

  • For example, you can clean the countertop and table with them. In just a minute, you will leave these parts of the kitchen looking like new.
  • You can also use them when you get out of the shower. Due to the steam, the taps and mirrors will be humid, so take advantage of this to leave the bathroom sparkling.

However, it is important that the wipes are disposed of in the indicated trash can, and not flushed down the toilet. In addition, you should not use them more than once, nor should you use the same one to clean two rooms consecutively.

2. Have many places to store

The drawers, trunks, furniture and shelves are ideal to have an orderly home. In addition, the advantage of having everything in its place is that you will not have to pick up objects all over the house when it comes to sweeping, vacuuming, washing or waxing the floors.

On the other hand, a tip similar to this is to vacate the surfaces  (especially the work tables or the room). In this way, these two simple habits will empty “the field of vision” and make it easier to maintain order.

However, remember that having more storage space does not mean that you become an accumulator. So, get rid of anything you don’t need.

3. Wash the dishes when you finish eating

There is only one thing that disgusts more than washing dishes, and that is washing many. So avoid mountains of dishes in the kitchen and spend a few minutes after each meal to tidy up a bit.

Perhaps it is a custom that will take a few days to incorporate but, without a doubt, it will give you more peace of mind.

4. One activity per day

Surely you also have two minutes available in which you have to “make time”. It can be before an outing, before going to take a nap or while you wait for the water to heat up for your coffee.

In those empty moments you can pick up the broom without thinking about it, sweep the floor or quickly clean the furniture with a cloth. Thus, with small gestures every day, the house will look ready and orderly.

Of course at some point you will need to order a little more thoroughly. However, you will quickly notice that many parts of the house are already clean.

5. Cleaning tricks you should know to clean the bathroom

Cleaning the bathroom is very important in the house.

As described in the following article published by Impacto Odontológico Magazine , this space is one of the places in the house that most need a good cleaning. The reason is that it is almost always exposed to dirt and bacteria; since we cannot avoid using it several times a day.

Almost all the tricks discussed above can also be applied to the bathroom. For example, don’t leave items lying around and try to clean a little each day. You can do this while showering or after bathing.

In addition, you already know that keeping it clean is easier than carrying the task of cleaning it for many days. Although there will still be other problems that you will have to deal with:

  • Tartar.
  • Stains.
  • Dirty carpets.
  • Adhered fat.
  • Scratches

The reality is that certain issues are unavoidable and must be done even if they cost a little. However, these little cleaning tricks can make it a lot easier for you. Put them into practice and evaluate the results yourself!

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