5 Good Things You Should Stop Expecting From Yourself All The Time

From the moment we are born, they teach us to act in the right way. However, to Although it may seem that they are good things necessary to fit in with society, sometimes our feelings .

Let us tell you that neither you nor anyone else is perfect, and Spending your life thinking that these good things must be part of you can be negative.

Therefore, we want to talk to you about some things that you should stop expecting from yourself all the time.

You will see that, in many cases, forgetting them can be really pleasant and liberating.

Clever? Take note. 

1. Be perfect

Perfection is impossible, and if someone could achieve it, they would surely think it was boring.

Many people say they understand that nobody is perfect, but they spend their lives trying to get to this point in some way.

If you are like that, you must stop right now. Indeed,  more than helping you, you are hurting yourself. With this we do not mean that you cannot improve, of course you can!

However, you must have  in mind that improving and being perfect are very different things.

When you accept that you want to improve, you accept that you commit and have  mistakes and you learn to see yourself as you are.

2. Expect others to behave as you thinkOffering Constructive Criticism

We were all taught that we should help those around us and that we should share everything. This teaching would be very nice if it weren’t for the fact that we were not taught to put ourselves first.

It is not uncommon to find people who go out of their way to make those around them happy and then realize that they have done nothing for them.

Does this sound familiar to you? Don’t get us wrong, we are not suggesting that you stop doing nice things for others.

What we recommend is that you analyze if by helping that someone you are harming your personal projects.

You must commit to yourself first. Think that if you don’t work for your goals and your future, no one else will.

5. Stop expecting to be a superhero

Overcome obstacles

It is very common to hear phrases like:

  • “You can always do more”
  • “If you can think about it, you can do it”
  • “The limit is on you”

All these phrases are very useful for a better version of yourself. However, they should never be the promise that you will be a superhero.

We live in a society where it seems that we are all condemned to be the best or to be nothing. Then, we are faced with a very harsh reality: it is not possible to comply with all the expectations .

We are human and, as we already know, we are not perfect. Not everything goes our way and we should not seek perfection at all times.

When you feel like you can’t handle the responsibilities anymore, give yourself time for yourself. Allow yourself to escape from so much need for perfection and enjoy your mistakes.

In the end, what life is all about is living, experimenting, making mistakes, being happy.

Good things are relative

There is a well-known saying: “not all that glitters is gold”. It is very true and applicable at this point.

Being good or doing good things all the time is exhausting. You shouldn’t always forgive, share what you have, or try to make the world happy.

It is good to act the right way and help others, but you should not aspire to meet all expectations.

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