5 Most Common Insect Bites And How To Treat Them

The bites, those annoying and almost inevitable injuries that are caused, mainly, during the spring and summer seasons by a myriad of types of insects and that, on occasions, tend to leave us with the typical signs of swelling and discomfort.

It is not easy to get rid of this, because the environments where these bugs are common cover almost all climates, seasons, places and limitations that separate other species.

Mostly, it usually happens when we sleep, on a somewhat warm night with a humid thermal sensation is where these small bruises occur. The itchiness that is felt, a product of the bites on our skin, is the distinctive by choice of these small but repetitive situations that much of the time do not usually transcend, although there are small and alarming exceptions. 

From common sense, it can be easily understood that bites caused by mosquitoes are not the same as those made by other types of insects that are much more harmful and polluting for the human body; an ideal example is the tick.

There is a lot of advertising and various products that claim to solve this problem, but nothing could be further from the truth. The truth is that while proper household hygiene, sealed water containers, and periodic spraying help minimize this nuisance, they are far from eradicated and frankly impossible.

Now, at  MCS we bring you a series of data on the 5 most common bites and how to treat them. This will work as an ideal guide when being stung, so that you can react depending on what you consider appropriate.

5 insect bites and how to treat them

They may seem similar to you, but they are not

1. Bees

Bee sting

This fascinating and super important insect in nature is one of the most feared when it comes to any type of contact with humans. Even the honey collection itself is full of protocols for the safety of beekeepers.

It is understandable why, after all, do not forget that the bites of these are characterized by a sharp and moderate sting in pain, but that, generally, it is accompanied by swelling and in some cases by allergies that may require specialized medical help.

2. Wasps

These bites are less common in urban environments, although this does not mean that they do not happen. In fact, in the home, offices, shopping centers and many businesses (mainly restaurants), these insects are attracted to sweet and tempting smells that are often similar to those that nature provides.

However, being bitten by wasps, whether unconsciously we invade their territory, it is probably due to the fact that the insect has seen the need to defend itself, this results in a wound with noticeable swelling. Remember also that wasps differ from bees by having the ability to make multiple stings. 

3. Mosquitoes

Mosquito bite

As incredible as it may seem, the reality is that these bites are enormously common.

Normally, they do not bring too much risk to health. Its main characteristic is a small discomfort due to the insertion of the needle that the mosquito uses to drink blood in the initial layers of the skin, and it leaves as evidence a small bulb that usually dissipates in a few hours or in a few days, depending on: the intensity, repetition, the type of insect, and the reaction of the organism.

Fact to highlight! There are known classes of mosquitoes that are named for leaving more than a simple bite. Some of them are: dengue fever, chikungunya, malaria, yellow fever, among other terrible diseases, although to a lesser extent.

4. Fleas and bed bugs

They are quite common in terms of human bites. And there is no reason to be too surprised, since the close relationship that exists with the interaction of animals in both rural and urban areas is well known. Some as pets and others for different purposes (agricultural, livestock, citizen protection, etc.).

Fleas and bed bugs are really peculiar insects, their bites are not limited to the protection provided by clothing on the skin. They make their bites repeatedly through clothing until they reach the layers of the skin. The saliva and bacteria they contain along with the urge to scratch is what makes everything worse and leaves from slight marks to strong reactions in the form of small red dots on the skin.

5. Ants

Ant sting

Honestly, confess it: how many times have you been bitten by these little insects? If the answer is ” So many that I could not count”,  do not worry: it is absolutely normal. From being on a hot day in the tropics to simply walking barefoot through the garden on a spring morning, ants often sting us without explanation.

The wounds left on the skin are not of imminent danger and the vast majority are related to a specific type : the red ant. They are characterized by leaving a small pinch in the middle of the bulb that produces the swelling that forms immediately after being bitten and except in certain pathologies and diagnostic conditions, in general, everything ends with one more episode of discomfort.

Treatment of stings

  • Insects make stings or bites that affect our skin. It is convenient, before applying any analgesic cream, perform a cleaning and disinfection.
  •  Most bites from these insects cause only minor local problems, consisting of swelling, pain, redness, and itchiness at the sting site.
  • Some people, very few, are very allergic to the stings of some insects, especially wasps and bees. They have a serious reaction after the sting that consists of having trouble speaking or breathing, swelling of the lips and face, weakness, dizziness, and sometimes hives.
  • They are recognized by the appearance of red spots, welts or hives on the skin, which are very itchy. This condition is called anaphylaxis and it is so serious that it can even cause death (very isolated cases).

Treatment for insect bites is generally localized and fairly generic. It requires disinfection and the origin of the insect that has bitten to be able to implement ointments, creams and, if necessary, bactericides to neutralize and eliminate agents that harm the health of the skin and the body.

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