6 Curiosities You Should Know About Varicose Veins

Although we do not associate it, excess weight can cause the dreaded varicose veins to appear. Therefore, it is essential to follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly.

Varicose veins are raised bumps on the surface of the skin. There are many myths that exist around these: some are true and others are not. To clarify these doubts, we have wanted to gather in this article 6 curiosities about varicose veins.

First of all, it is worth explaining that veins are part of an extensive network of blood vessels whose main function is the return of blood to the heart. This is what ensures that circulation is continuous. When the valves in the veins do not work efficiently, they dilate and varicose veins form.

6 curiosities about varicose veins

The United States National Library of Medicine defines varicose veins as “abnormally swollen, twisted, or painful veins that have filled with blood.” These generally occur on the legs and are usually visible to the naked eye.

Now, as we mentioned at the beginning of this article, there are different myths and curiosities about varicose veins that you should know to be aware of their possible development and appearance.

1. Women suffer the most from varicose veins

Although very important cases can also occur in males, it is women who are most affected by this condition, according to the Office on Women’s Health .

In fact, e n women with a genetic predisposition, hormones have a negative influence. By reducing the strength of the walls of the veins by the action of female hormones, they end up sometimes weaken blood vessels.

It is believed that hormonal replacement and the use of contraceptive methods may help varicose veins appear in very young women. For this same reason, its presence would be more common during pregnancy and could even increase with each new pregnancy. However, research in this regard has not yielded conclusive data.

2. They don’t just appear on the legs

Visible varicose veins, commonly called spider veins, mostly affect the legs and feet. However, we can  also find another type of varicose vein: internal calls.

These are found in regions of the interior of the body and can appear in the esophagus, in the uterus, in the rectum, etc. Even if you have an obstruction of the proximal axillary vein, they could appear in the arms although the effect of the dilation would be little visible for the eye human.

Although internal varicose veins should not be a cause for excessive concern, it is advisable to consult a specialist regularly. He will tell you if there are latent cardiovascular risks and what to do to avoid or prevent them.

3. Staying at the ideal weight would help

Curiosities about varicose veins that you should know

It is important that you are within the weight that is considered adequate for your height and age. If you got over it, you would be adding extra pressure on your legs. If to this you add the action of the force of gravity, the result could be the appearance of varicose veins .

In fact, among the risk factors indicated by the MSD Manual are sedentary lifestyle, slow digestion, prolonged standing and advanced age. In particular, constipation is related to the appearance of varicose veins since When you force yourself to evacuate, you end up pressing the veins in your legs.

All of this explains our recommendation that you ask a nutritionist for guidance on what your ideal weight is and how to maintain it. A balanced diet is a good way to prevent varicose veins.

4. Curiosities about varicose veins: hemorrhoids

Returning to the foregoing, it can easily be concluded that hemorrhoids are varicose veins that lodge in the rectal canal.

It is one of the most common ailments in the world population, as it affects both women and men. MedlinePlus explains that by age 50 almost 50% of the population suffers from them.

Many times they can be asymptomatic. Hence you should Be careful if you suffer from constipation, if you sit or stand for many hours continuously, if you tend to carry heavy things or simply live under stress.

5. Do high shoes make varicose veins worse?

Varicose veins are found mostly in the lower body; that is, on the legs and feet. Although it is believed that varicose veins appear from wearing high shoes, there is no scientific evidence to support this belief. Nevertheless, we recommend taking precautions.

It is always best to prevent than to cure. It is known that the position of the legs because of the heels does not favor the return of blood to the heart. The ideal is, therefore, to wear comfortable shoes in pursuit of the proper functioning of the body.

If you cannot do without high shoes, try to wear them for less than 9 hours at a time. Once you take them off, keep your legs up for a bit. You can lean back in the chair and support your legs on the armrest or use a small bench to raise them.

6. Exercising would help counteract varicose veins

There are certain genetic factors that would lead to an increased risk of varicose veins. Of course, it is important to note that these can appear due to different causes. However, like any other condition, this health problem can be treated. To do this, you have to go to the doctor to study your case and tell you what behavior you should follow.

Doing exercises could help improve blood circulation in g eneral . You could perform routines in which you alternate cardio, cycling, swimming, and aerobics. How often? Well, at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes. Another option is to wear graduated compression elastic stockings.

Pay proper attention to them

It is true that mild varicose veins do not have to have major consequences. However, their presence could affect your quality of life since, in many cases, they damage the aesthetics of the body image. What’s more, l Varicose veins can evolve over time if they are not given proper attention.

In the most extreme cases, they could cause chronic venous insufficiency whose clinical manifestations are as annoying as pain, muscle fatigue or burning, etc. Hence it is so important that you learn how to prevent them and, if you already have them, how to treat them. Consult your doctor!

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