6 Things You Should Bring In Your Suitcase On The Day Of Delivery

With 3 to 4 weeks until the delivery of the baby, it is a good idea to pack the bags that you will take to the hospital on the day of delivery. You don’t know if your baby will decide to go ahead, so better be forewarned.

When the end of pregnancy approaches, all future moms get very nervous; they look forward to the day as soon as possible. After you have everything ready at home, it is time to start organizing what you will bring in your suitcase on the day of delivery.

Of course, you will find a variety of lists on the internet (some more detailed than others) about what you should include in the suitcase on the day of delivery. But the important thing is that you apply common sense when preparing your luggage.

If everything goes well, as is expected of a pregnancy that has developed normally, you should not stay in the hospital for more than 2 or 3 days. So, be wise when organizing your luggage. Do not empty your closet or the baby’s!

What should the bag include on the day of delivery?

When it comes to organizing the suitcase on the day of delivery, it is important that you value that you cannot carry a very large luggage in many bags or suitcases. Ideally, you should be able to identify what each suitcase contains.

For example, if you need to find the baby’s diapers, it is important that you know where they are; and, thus, with all the things that you will take to the hospital.

These are very nervous days, so avoid the possibility of losing your patience looking for something in endless suitcases. You can organize your luggage based on this list that we propose.

 1. Documents of interest

The suitcase on the day of delivery should include the papers.

In an easy-access pocket of the suitcase, place a folder or folder with your most important documents. You can bring the originals and a copy, in case you have to deliver it at some point:

  • Personal identification.
  • Insurance policy.
  • Hospital access documents.
  • Medical prescriptions, if you took any medication during pregnancy.
  • Latest tests performed (blood values, ultrasound or studies, among others).
  • Birth plan, in case you have planned it.

2. Mom’s clothes in her delivery day suitcase

Although after the baby is born some of the kilos that are gained during pregnancy are lost, you will not look the same as you were before you got pregnant. You need to wear comfortable and loose clothing.

If you have a C-section, you will need help dressing, so wear clothes that are easy to put on and take off, such as:

  • Robes or pajamas that open at the front.
  • High-cut underwear, in case you have a cesarean section, so that the elastic does not remain over the incision.
  • Nursing bras or one or two sizes larger than usual. Even if you are not breastfeeding, the milk will rise to your breasts and you will not be able to wear anything tight.
  • Stockings in case it’s cold.
  • Towel for after bathing.
  • Clothes with which you are going to leave the hospital.
  • Slippers to take your first steps after childbirth and plastic sandals to bathe.

3. Baby clothes

It is important that the baby’s clothes are in the same suitcase on the day of delivery. Avoid distributing what you carry for the baby in different bags. Usually it will be your partner or companion who will supply the child’s clothes to the hospital staff, so the easier it is to locate, the better.

  • Rompers or jumpsuits.
  • Tights.
  • Caps.
  • Small blankets.
  • T-shirts or shirt guards.
  • Cloth diapers to place between your baby and those who will visit them and want to carry them.
  • Towel.
  • A change of clothes to get out of the hospital.
  • If you are going to use a charger or baby carrier, you must carry it.

Among the things for the baby that you do not need to bring are wet towels (leave them only for when they leave the house), or gloves or mittens. Your little one will often put his hands to his mouth, just as he did countless times in the womb. It is a natural reflection.

4. Products for personal use for the mother

Although some hospitals give you some products for personal use, bring yours to make you feel more comfortable. Especially when it comes to intimate hygiene, it is better to wear the brands of your choice.

  • Sanitary or clinical towels. Bleeding is common after delivery; you can also suffer from a little urinary incontinence.
  • Shampoo, conditioner and any other product that you usually use to keep your hair in order.
  • Makeup. You will surely receive the visit of many family and friends. Although motherhood will give you a special shine, a touch of color on the lips, mascara and blush for the cheeks does not hurt.
  • Moisturizing cream for the body and face.
  • Make-up remover
  • Deodorant.
  • Toothpaste or mouthwash.

5. Products for the baby’s personal use in the suitcase on the day of delivery

The suitcase on the day of delivery should not leave personal belongings out.

Of course, the first thing you should include in the suitcase are disposable diapers for your baby. The recommendation is the same as with clothes: order everything in the same bag or suitcase.

Carry 20 to 24 disposable diapers; is a good amount. She also carries zip-lock bags to deliver the baby’s diapers or clothes to the hospital staff.

Likewise, you must include moisturizing cream for the baby’s skin and antipañalitis or protective cream to avoid chafing in the diaper area, as this article published in Profession Midwives points out .

6. Thank you details or souvenirs

If you feel like it and it is to your liking, you can prepare some bags, jars or small boxes with some cards with your baby’s name to thank those who came to meet him for the visit. This thank you keepsake can include cookies, chocolates, or nuts.

They are a nice detail to give to those who accompany you on the days in the hospital, for your other children (if you have them) or for other family and friends who want to welcome your little one.

Let’s get to work!

Now that you know what it is essential to carry in the suitcase on the day of delivery thanks to these recommendations, do not wait until the last moment to start doing it and go calmly so that you do not forget to bring anything.

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