7 Diuretic Foods That Should Be Added To Your Diet

To combat fluid retention and promote the purification of toxins, it is convenient that we introduce diuretic foods into our diet that, in turn, provide us with vitamins.

Diuretic foods are those that  help create a balance of fluids and electrolytes in the body.

Its intake supports the functioning of the kidneys, facilitating the cleaning of the urinary tract and the control of inflammation that is generated by the retention of fluids in the tissues.

They are also one of the recommended supplements for weight loss, since they  improve the process of eliminating waste and activate the metabolism.

Taking into account that its regular consumption is ideal for taking care of health, below we want to share 7 varieties that are worth adding to the diet.

Don’t stop consuming them!

Diuretic foods:

1 tomato


Tomato is one of the diuretic vegetables that should not be absent from everyone’s eating plan.

  • It is a natural source of essential nutrients that help combat fluid retention.
  • It is composed of 90% water and, in addition, it provides large amounts of essential minerals that help balance electrolyte levels.
  • Its regular intake strengthens kidney health and, incidentally, protects the heart system.

2. Cucumbers

Cucumbers are one of the most recommended diuretic foods for the treatment of edema and inflammatory conditions such as arthritis.

  • They restore functions in the circulatory and lymphatic system, facilitating the expulsion of fluids and toxins.
  • It contains potassium, a mineral that helps balance sodium levels to prevent kidney problems.
  • It also provides minerals such as sulfur and silicon, necessary for optimal uric acid elimination.

3. Pineapple


Pineapple is a tropical fruit that  prevents kidney and cardiovascular diseases.

  • Low in calories and rich in enzymes such as bromelain, it is a digestive food that helps fight excess weight and intestinal difficulties.
  • It has high levels of fiber, vitamin C, and minerals that help balance fluids in the body.

4. Beetroot

Beets help support kidney and liver health.

  • It facilitates the elimination of liquids and other waste substances that tend to accumulate in the tissues.
  • It provides significant amounts of iron, magnesium and potassium, minerals necessary to combat inflammatory imbalances that affect health.

As if that were not enough, it is quite satiating, an important quality for those who are trying to lose weight.

5. Watermelon


Watermelon is a natural diuretic whose content of essential nutrients is used for the prevention and treatment of various types of diseases.

  • It is one of the fruits with the highest water content and, therefore, it is also one of the ones with the least calories.
  • It has significant amounts of potassium and magnesium, two essential minerals for achieving a balance of the body’s electrolytes.
  • They fight tissue inflammation and promote the elimination of retained fluids.

6. Melon

This delicious fruit is composed of more than 90% water, which gives it diuretic and cleansing properties.

For decades it has been chosen for its cooling and nutritional power, since, among other things, it contains fiber, vitamins and other compounds that promote health.

  • Its regular consumption helps fight fluid retention and inflammation, preventing the development of chronic disorders.
  • It provides antioxidants such as beta-carotenes, necessary to inhibit oxidative damage that accelerates the aging process.

    7. Onion

    Onion juice

    Onion is a vegetable rich in vitamins and trace elements that help relieve inflammation by increasing diuresis in the renal system.

    • It concentrates interesting amounts of potassium, calcium and magnesium, all necessary for the balance of mineral salts in the body.
    • It is composed of up to 91% water, which gives it a powerful diuretic and detoxifying effect.
    • Its properties support the functioning of the kidneys and, incidentally, promote protection against urinary tract infections.

    Do you feel like you have fluid retention or inflammation? Incorporate all these foods into your regular diet and see how good they are to combat these problems.

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