7 Key Tips To Take Care Of The Kidneys

In addition to avoiding harmful habits, such as smoking, sedentary lifestyle and alcoholism, we must eat a healthy and balanced diet and exercise regularly.

Taking care of the kidneys is essential for good health and, of course, keeping discomforts such as low back pain at bay. Now, how to do it properly? Then we will tell you in detail so you can start doing it too.

As we have been commenting,  kidneys play a vital role in health Mainly because they are responsible for filtering toxins and producing urine to dispose of those substances that does not need.

In addition, its function contributes to regulating blood pressure and hydrosaline balance, and stimulates the production of red blood cells in the blood. Because of this, keeping the kidneys in optimal condition is essential for overall good health.

Fortunately, there are a number of easy steps to take to improve (and maintain) kidney health. Of course, these measures should always go hand in hand with what the doctor indicates.

Why take care of the kidneys?

According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), in recent years the cases of patients with chronic kidney failure and other kidney problems have increased. These are associated with an increased risk of diabetes, overweight and cardiovascular diseases.

In addition, the kidneys are considered the main filters of the blood. These facilitate cleaning by retaining the nutrients that the body can take advantage of.

We offer you a series of guidelines that will help keep you in good kidney health.

1. Do physical activity

Exercises at home for women.

The benefits of exercise go beyond regulating body weight. Through this habit, the reduction of blood pressure is supported , and the risk of developing chronic kidney disease is significantly reduced. Which indicates that it helps to take care of the kidneys.

The results of this research suggest that physical activity can significantly lower blood pressure in patients with kidney failure. Warm-up, strength and aerobic exercises have benefits in the blood pressure of patients and improve their level of maximum oxygen consumption.

2. Control blood sugar levels

Lack of control and increase in blood sugar levels  is associated with the increased risk of kidney damage. This disease caused by diabetes is known as diabetic nephropathy. It begins to occur long before the first symptoms appear.

As it progresses, it causes a series of changes in the urine. It stands out for the presence of small amounts of protein in it. In fact, diabetes is the most common cause of kidney failure in the United States.

3. Regulate blood pressure

Man measuring blood pressure.

High blood pressure is also closely related to kidney problems. When it is at high levels, it makes the heart work harder and, over time, it can end up damaging some blood vessels in the body.

By damaging the vessels of the kidneys, there is a high probability that the kidneys will stop removing waste and excess fluid from the body. As a consequence, kidney failure can occur. This disease forces the person to receive a kidney transplant or dialysis treatment.

Therefore, controlling blood pressure is one way to take care of the kidneys.

4. Adopt a healthy diet

As with other parts of the body, the kidneys require adequate nutrition to remain in good condition throughout life. In this sense, it is advisable to include healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables, which are sources of nutrients , in the diet.

Some examples of healthy diets are the Harvard plate and the Mediterranean diet. However, you can discuss other options with your doctor or nutritionist.

5. Moderate your salt intake

Excessive salt intake is one of the main causes of fluid retention and kidney problems. Although the body needs this substance in small amounts, most people ingest it excessively, and in the medium and long term they suffer the consequences.

The kidneys are capable of eliminating up to 5 grams of salt a day. In this way, by ingesting more, he is forced to store it. This accumulation in various organs and tissues of the body is a potential cause of disease. Among them kidney failure, hypertension and liver disease.

6. Increase water consumption

Good hydration is essential to take care of the kidneys and facilitate their proper functioning. There is no exact amount of water you should drink per day. Although it has been extended that the appropriate amount is two liters per day, it all depends on your needs and lifestyle.

Julio Basulto, the nutrition and diet expert, indicates that the ideal is to drink based on thirst, even in the summer.

7. No smoking

Avoid cigarette

Smoking not only affects the health of the respiratory system, but also has a negative impact on the kidney. The effects of this habit affect the blood vessels of the kidney. It also leads to developing other risk factors such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

In addition, smokers have up to twice the risk of kidney failure, including second-hand smokers.

By putting all these tips into practice, you will not only be taking care of your kidney health, but you will also improve your quality of life in general. Also, do not forget that it is important to see a doctor for frequent check-ups.

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