At What Age Can The Baby Be Given An Egg?

The egg is one of the most complete foods that we have. It contains proteins of the highest quality along with lipids and micronutrients. However, in the context of infant feeding, certain precautions must be taken. This reduces the risk of allergies. That is why we will tell you what is the optimal time to give the baby an egg.

Do not forget that mistakes when starting complementary feeding can condition the diet for life. For example, taking too long to expose the baby to certain foods could be associated with the development of allergic processes. It is important to avoid such situations.

Is it necessary to wait?

Experts recommend starting complementary feeding after 6 months, according to a study published in the journal Minerva Medica . The egg, in principle, should appear as one of the first products introduced. However, in the event that there is a history of allergy in the family, it is better to wait and consult with the pediatrician.

This is because egg allergies often trigger major manifestations and symptoms. They may even cause anaphylactic shocks . This situation would be terrible for the baby, so you always have to bet on prevention.

Eggs in the fridge.

Symptoms of egg allergy

It is important to know the symptoms of an egg allergy to identify it quickly. In general, gastrointestinal problems are experienced, notably diarrhea, gas, abdominal pain and vomiting.

There may also be skin rashes and swelling. Even life-threatening anaphylactic shock .

To detect this condition, a series of diagnostic tests can be used that measure the level of immunoglobulins after exposure to the product. The mechanisms are developed with great precision in an article published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences . A possible treatment based on immunotherapy is also being experimented with, although today it has quite a few limitations.

How can the egg be included in the baby’s diet?

As we have mentioned, the egg is an excellent source of protein. These nutrients have been shown to be essential to ensure muscle health and body development.

The best way to include the egg in complementary feeding is through the baby led weaning method . To do this, you have to cook the food and chop it into fine chunks, letting the child experiment with them and consume them to their liking.

Keep in mind that if you experience a rash when you touch it, it is very likely that you are allergic to the food, so in this case its consumption should be avoided. In any case, the incidence of this allergy is not high. Most of the little ones can ingest it without complications.

It is also possible to offer the baby a French omelette cut into very small pieces that they can handle with ease. This will help you get used to the different flavors and textures.

Benefits of the egg for the baby

According to what has been said, the egg provides essential proteins to ensure the correct growth of the child. These intervene in the hypertrophy of the tissues as well as in the maintenance of homeostasis.

At the same time, this food concentrates a certain amount of vitamin D inside, which modulates the levels of inflammation. Ensuring that micronutrient requirements are met is essential in order to prevent the development of chronic pathologies in the medium term. In addition, it improves the absorption of calcium at the intestinal level.

Finally, it should be noted that the egg contains cholesterol, necessary for cell structure, and group B vitamins inside. The latter are responsible for improving the efficiency of the metabolic processes that determine the obtaining of energy.

Feeding the baby in the first months.

Introduce eggs into the baby’s diet

Unless you have a family history of allergy to eggs or the baby develops a skin rash upon contact with food, you should introduce this product into the complementary diet from 6 months of the child. In this way you will ensure that it obtains the necessary nutrients for proper development.

Keep in mind that, if you delay too much in offering it, the body may end up detecting its proteins as foreign, going into an intolerance or allergy that conditions the future. As far as complementary feeding is concerned, it is essential to always follow the pediatrician’s instructions.

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