Drinking Water: The Key To A Healthy Life

Did you know that the human body is made up of around 65% water? This means that consuming water is vital for us. However, we are not giving it the attention it deserves.

Surely we always forget to drink that glass of water a day just woke up that they tell us is so beneficial. In the same way, we also forget to drink the water we require (it does not have to be 2 liters as recommended).

Water is so important that without it we would not be able to survive long. The average is between 3 and 5 days maximum without water.

This does not happen with food. The human being without eating can endure much longer. The average is between 4 and 6 weeks.

The importance of consuming water

Surely we have heard that it is recommended to consume 2 liters of water a day, but what happens if I am not capable? What if it’s too much water for me?

We cannot take this at face value, because everything will depend on our circumstances:

  • A gym instructor, who has a very high physical activity, drinks around 4 liters of water a day.
  • A person who leads a sedentary life may not drink 2 liters of water a day.
  • If we go on vacation to a very hot place, without making much effort, we may drink 2 liters of water a day.
  • In winter, we consume less water, although we do consume more infusions and teas. However, the recommended 2 liters per day may not be reached.

As we can see, water consumption depends on the physical activity we do and the season of the year in which we are. Despite this, each person is different and someone sedentary can have a thirst that invites them to drink those 2 liters of water a day.

What do we recommend in this article? It is undeniable that consuming water is important, but always in the amount that each one needs.

Thus, an excess can have a negative effect on our body. We cannot force you to drink more water than you are asking for. This can lead us, in extreme cases, even to death.

Water is the key to a healthy life

Woman holding cup of tea

With everything we now know about water, it is necessary to be aware that it is very necessary if we want to lead a healthy life. Therefore, we are going to discover some of the benefits that water has for our health.

Water keeps our body clean

Water helps us eliminate toxins from our body. For that reason, it is so positive to drink it as soon as we get out of bed. This removes the toxins that have accumulated overnight. In addition, it also helps us whet our appetite for breakfast.

However, water also cleanses our body through urine and softens stools. This not only influences the cleansing of the body, but is a key factor that improves our digestion.

Improves athletic performance

Woman drinking water

Water is not only necessary because we are thirsty when we do sports, but because it helps us before and after it. How? Preventing us from getting injured, having cramps and improving the posterior stiffness.

Although it may not seem like it, good hydration favors a better recovery of the muscles after exercise. This makes sense, since much of the muscle is water.

If we maintain good hydration, we can even improve our muscle mass significantly.

Consuming water is vital for our survival

Let’s think about the blood and gastric juices essential for our digestion … What would happen if they lacked water? Water is what helps them to function properly and smoothly.

As we have been able to realize, consuming water is very necessary. However, we may be thinking about what type of water is better. Ideally, we should consume drinking water from a source. It is a very natural alternative.

However, we do not always have this option close to us. Therefore, our best options are to buy bottled water or use a purifier that we can use at home.

What is the best option for you to consume water? Did you know that water was so important for a healthy life or were you ignorant of many of its benefits?

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