Fermented Lemons, A Simple Recipe To Enrich Our Dishes

Fermented lemons are a surprising recipe, very simple to prepare. Its use in the kitchen represents a different and healthy alternative to season and enrich our dishes.

Find out how fermented lemons are prepared. You will only need organic lemons and good quality salt. 

Two medicinal ingredients

The lemon

Lemon peel

Lemon is a citrus fruit with incredible health properties, as it cleanses our body of toxins, helps us lose weight, provides us with large amounts of vitamin C and improves our defenses  to protect ourselves against all kinds of diseases.

Making fermented lemons allows us to further multiply the medicinal benefits of this citrus fruit, and the best thing is that it can be consumed throughout the year.

Sea salt

Salt is a food highly criticized for its negative effects on our health. However, we must differentiate two types of salt:

  • Common salt, refined salt or table salt:  This refined product is only sodium chloride, that is, it does not contain more nutrients or provide health benefits. On the contrary, it damages the functioning of our kidneys if we consume it in excess.
  • Pure or raw salt, sea salt , Himalayan salt, Celtic salt, etc .:  these types of salts are not refined, as can be seen in their appearance, texture and color. They are rich in minerals and trace elements, so we can consume them in moderate quantities to enrich our dishes. They are an essential ingredient in our homemade fermented products.

Benefits of fermented foods

9. Fermented foods

Fermented foods, such as sauerkraut, kefir or kombucha, are very beneficial for our health, because they are alive, that is, they are rich in probiotics. Probiotics are live microorganisms that, when consumed, favor and increase the intestinal flora, which is essential to prevent diseases.

Fermented foods have been used since ancient times, since they are preserved for a long time; They require very few ingredients and can be consumed gradually.

A healthy intestinal bacterial flora is essential for a good quality of life, and to prevent all kinds of chronic and degenerative disorders. Therefore, consuming fermented foods is a good habit that we should acquire.

Fermented lemons


To prepare the fermented lemons we will need the following ingredients:

  • 4 organic lemons.
  • 3 tablespoons of sea salt or Himalayan salt (45 g)
  • Spices to taste (optional)

We will need a glass jar that we can close hermetically. If we want to make more quantity, we only have to multiply the portions of each ingredient proportionally.

It is essential that the lemons are organic since, otherwise, the pesticides and chemicals present in the peel could impede the natural fermentation process.



To prepare fermented lemons we must follow these steps:

  • Wash the lemons well and dry them. Cut the ends and divide them into 4 parts each.
  •  Put the lemon wedges and the salt in the glass jar. First, add a little salt to the base and then add each lemon wedge followed by a little salt.
  • Every time you add a piece of lemon, you have to squeeze it and crush it well inside the jar, so that it releases the juice and mixes with the salt.
  • If desired, add spices.
  • The juice from the lemons should outweigh the solid ingredients. 
  • Cover the container and shake it a little. Let it ferment for a month in a cool, dark place. 
  • From time to time shake the jar a little or squeeze the lemon pieces. The important thing is that they are always submerged.

Uses and ideas

When the lemons are already fermented, we can use them in different ways:

  • The juice can be used to dress salads and other dishes, as a vinaigrette.
  • A few drops of the juice in our drinks and shakes to enhance its flavor and properties.
  • A few drops of the juice with hot water on an empty stomach, as a cleanser.
  • The pulp is crushed or cut into thin strips in stews and all kinds of recipes.

We can rinse the pulp or use it salty, it depends on the use that we are going to give it.

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