How To Choose A Fertility Clinic In Spain: Tips And Guidelines

Although it is important that the fertility clinic we choose has good references and a high success rate, it is also essential that we feel comfortable as patients

When choosing the most appropriate fertility clinic, many doubts arise. What is the ideal in each case? Along with intuition and prior information, other variables must be taken into account, such as the number of interventions and the so-called success rate of the clinic.

In this article we will give you some tips and useful information so that you can choose the clinic that best suits your needs. We invite you to continue reading

Official information on fertility clinics

Regarding the official data, the certificates (in the case of DIN ISO 9001) guarantee the legality of the fertility center, but not its effectiveness or the quality of its treatments. As we have already indicated, the most important thing is the success rate with other couples.

  • On the website of the Ministry of Health, it is possible to review the registry of authorized centers on assisted human reproduction.
  • With regard to the centers that are already authorized and the possible novelties, the website of the Spanish Fertility Society is the reference.

    How to choose the best fertility clinic

    fertility clinic

    Both in Spain and internationally, there are differences in the success achieved between one fertility clinic and another. How many treatments do they carry out per year? This data can be important to give us an idea.

    A good number of interventions and a qualified team that masters all the treatment possibilities can guide us on the success rate.

    How can we get this type of information? The fertility clinic itself should inform us about the success of its treatments, statistically.

    • There are many differences between the pregnancies and births achieved between some clinics and others.
    • Some specialists recommend analyzing what is called the “term pregnancy rate.

      In this sense, although there are no very low quality centers, the truth is that some have more resources than others.

      A first filter could be the analysis of the websites of the different fertility clinics in the area. Forums and social networks are also a very important source of information. Other analysis factors for choosing a center may be  the technological resources available to the clinic, the capacity for innovation, the number of professionals the center has, etc.

      On the other hand, one of the consequences of using the fertility clinic and that has been seen in recent years is multiple pregnancy. However, this aspect can also be avoided if we choose a center with the maximum guarantees.

      The relationship between the doctor and the couple who come to the center


      A very important variable, with regard to the correct choice of the center, is the future relationship between doctor and patient.

      • It must be remembered that, in terms of assisted reproduction, many of the obstacles are mental and emotional.
      • Communication between the doctors and the couple who use the clinic must be close and effective. And that can be seen already on the first date.

      If patients are not comfortable, it is best to find another center.

      The keys to choosing the best fertility clinic

      pregnant with doctor and nurse

      • The first visit. As we have seen, since we opened the door of the fertility clinic, we experience a series of sensations that condition us.

        How do we feel, comfortable, uncomfortable? There are many objective and subjective details that we can evaluate.

        • Communication is a key value in fertility treatment.

        Trust and, above all, transparency must form a close bond with the center’s physicians, but also realistic at all times. Receiving accurate information is essential.

        • The fertility clinic must have the appropriate certificates, and be recognized by associations that are independent.
        • Adequate results require the best technology. Only in this way will it be possible to achieve a high success rate.
        • Before making a good decision, you have to assess what the different nearest reproduction clinics offer. A minimum of three or four centers may be sufficient.
        • The clinic team has to be made up of specialists from various fields : psychologists, embryologists, physiotherapists, andrologists, gynecologists and experts in natural therapy.

          Only in this way can the treatment be one hundred percent complete.

          • Psychological help is very important for fertility treatment. Among other things because infertility can start from an emotional shock.

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