How To Clean Glasses Correctly And What Not To Do

How to clean the glasses correctly? It is a common doubt. You sit down to work, to watch a movie or to read a book and you notice that the lenses have a spot that makes it difficult to see. You take a napkin or your shirt and pass it quickly through the lens to remove it and be able to continue with what you were about to do.

This is a very common situation and we could say that it happens on a daily basis. We anticipate that this is not the proper way to sanitize them and then we are going to tell you how to do it.

The first thing to keep in mind is that your glasses are made up of the frame, lenses, nose pads, hinges and screws. Therefore, a deep cleaning would have to include all of these components. Apart from the fact that dirt does not allow you to see well, germs and bacteria accumulate that can be harmful to health.

Why is it important to clean the glasses?

Keeping your glasses clean is important for many reasons, but we will focus on the two that we consider most important. First, to preserve eye health.

When vision is blurred by stained or greasy lenses, vision is strained. This can lead to eye strain and headaches. And it is known that we cannot be productive at work or enjoy a good read if we do not feel good.

On the other hand, the glasses must be properly sanitized to avoid the proliferation of microorganisms that can be harmful. According to a study published in the United States National Library of Medicine, glasses are contaminated with different bacteria.

The most worrying thing is that most of these are found on the legs, in the area around the ears and in the nasal supports. Just the parts that are hardly ever cleaned. Among the most common is Staphylococcus .

How to clean glasses lenses

Before cleaning your glasses, wash your hands well with soap and water to avoid transferring any germs that you may have. Cleaning the lenses is done daily and takes less than a minute. For this you will need a microfiber cloth that does not scratch or stain them. If you still have it, it’s the one they gave you at the store when you bought them.

In addition, we suggest an exclusive liquid to clean glasses that comes in a spray and is suitable for polycarbonate lenses. If you don’t have one, you could use a non-creamy kitchen detergent. Now, proceed with these steps:

  • Wash the lenses in lukewarm water to remove all particles that can scratch and damage the glass.
  • Dry with the microfiber cloth.
  • Spray the eyeglass fluid on both sides of the lenses. If you use detergent, put a drop on both sides, gently rub the surface and rinse.
  • Dry the crystals well and that’s it.
Incorrect cleaning of T-shirt glasses.

How to clean the frame of your glasses

The frame of the glasses can be cleaned once a week, but it will always depend on how you use it. You have to pay special attention to the smaller parts, like screws and hinges. Germs that collect on the frame can cause skin damage.

These are the recommended steps:

  • Dip the frame in warm water and rub it with your hands with non-creamy kitchen detergent.
  • Rinse it off with lukewarm water.
  • Dry it with a wet wipe soaked in alcohol to go over the nose pads and the part of the legs of the glasses that are in contact with the ears.

What should be avoided when cleaning glasses?

Now that we have reviewed how to clean the glasses correctly, let’s talk about what you should avoid doing when sanitizing them. The material of the lenses and some frames are very delicate and do not accept certain fabrics or cleaning substances.

Cleaning cloths

Avoid using a non-microfiber cloth. In this sense, paper towels or clothing fabrics could damage the glass and scratch it. They also lose clarity over time and will appear blotchy.

Cleaning products

Products that contain acetone (such as nail polish removers) are very harmful, both for glasses and frames. If you don’t have the special liquid for glasses, it is best to use kitchen detergent.

Your breath

If you use your breath to moisten the glasses and then wipe it, you are carrying germs from your saliva to the glasses. And, as if that were not enough, they will not be clean, quite the opposite.

Microfiber cloth for cleaning glasses.

How to store glasses correctly?

You already have your impeccable glasses, very transparent lenses and bacteria-free frames. How to save them? Storage is also a fundamental part of its care. You should not leave them loose in your bag, drawer, night table or desk because they will be completely scratched.

Ideally, keep them in their own case and, if it is rigid, the better. This way they will be protected against strong shocks and falls. If you do not have a wrapper of this type, you can put them in an internal pocket of your bag, as long as it has a closure. If the glasses are left on your desk, leave them with the lenses facing up.

Cleaning your glasses is part of your routine

We invite you to make cleaning your glasses a healthy habit in your day to day. You will have a better vision, you will get rid of unwanted germs and you will have them in good condition for a long time.

Take the time and set aside the few minutes that the process demands. So you can enjoy the movie or reading with pleasure, in the same way that you will work more comfortably.

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