How To Decorate Your House With Vintage-style Objects?

Do you like the vintage style ? Don’t you know how you could use it in your home or in some of its rooms? Don’t worry, in this article we give you some tips on how to decorate your home with vintage objects .

Vintage style

Vintage is the style that promotes the use in the decoration of old or antique objects. However, they are not old enough to be considered antiques. That is why, normally when talking about vintage style , we refer to original objects from before the 90s, especially the 70s, even the 20s.

Thanks to this style, spaces can be given a particularly original touch, which brings freshness and, at the same time, nostalgia for earlier times.

On the other hand, we should not confuse vintage with retro style. In effect, these are two different styles of decoration. While in the retro style we are looking for modern objects that evoke or imitate designs from previous years, in the vintage style we talk about the recovery and use of really old objects.

Where to find vintage objects ?

Vintage style room

Since we are talking about original objects from other times, finding vintage objects is not something you can normally do in a modern decoration store.

On the contrary, to find this type of object you will surely have to go to second-hand stores or flea markets. In addition, you may already have some of these objects, forgotten in the attic or garage, from earlier times.

What you have to do is give new life to those objects. Indeed, one of the advantages of vintage style is that it allows you to “revive” today an object from years gone by. Therefore, important tasks when deciding on a vintage decoration is to recycle and restore those objects.

Thus, it is not necessary that you decide on second-hand items from previous times that are in perfect condition. The goal is that you can also give them your personal touch. So, for example, you may have found an antique mirror and are going to work to restore the frame or paint it a different color.

The same goes for furniture, which can be restored in an original way to become a vintage piece of decoration. Therefore, it is better that you decide on pieces that tell you something and that, after a personal elaboration, will be able to give your room the style you really want: unique, original, personal and vintage .

Tips for a vintage look

Give new life to objects

Man polishing wood

For example, you can take some metal garden buckets or old watering cans to paint them in other colors and use them as vases inside your house. You will manage to give your home a sweet nostalgia and the light of other times reviving today.

In the same way, you can also frame old clothes or jewelry and use them as a vintage painting for your rooms or hallways. Likewise, you can also restore benches as auxiliary furniture, incorporate old trunks into your decoration, lamps from other times, cushions from past styles in modern sofas …

Mix styles

Mixing and miscellaneous is in fashion. Also, a vintage object will attract more attention next to a modern object, so don’t be afraid to mix old things with modern things.

Thus, for example, you can use the vases that we previously proposed on a modern glass or metal table, or you can incorporate a lamp from decades past in a modern living room.

Use familiar objects

Dining room with vintage furniture

If vintage is the originally old brought back to life, imagine that these objects also have their own history. Thus, if among your grandparents’ furniture you find objects or old furniture that can be of use to you, do not hesitate to use them. This type of inheritance is a real treasure.

In this way, in addition to a vintage style , you will give your home a spirit of its own with a story to tell. 

Mix textures

An antique wooden furniture will look great in combination with metal chairs. The mix will give the feeling of coexistence and balance of the new and the old. You can also, for example, use old wooden chairs at a modern glass dining table. The feeling will be incredible.

As you have seen, it is not difficult to decorate with a vintage style . You just need to find objects from other eras and give them new life, incorporate them into modernity and enjoy the elegant and original touch with which they will give your home.

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