How To Make An Avocado And Tuna Salad

Avocado and tuna salad is a healthy and fast way to include high-quality vegetables and protein in our diet. Next, we are going to briefly explain the main benefits of these two foods and an example of a recipe for this type of salad.

Benefits of consuming tuna

Tuna is a very nutritious blue fish which stands out for its high protein content, as well as for its high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids. These are necessary for the proper functioning of the body and it is important to include them in our diet because our body is not able to synthesize them by itself.

Some of the benefits of tuna consumption are the following:

  • Its high content of vitamin D and calcium promotes bone health.
  • Decreases hypercholesterolemia.
  • Contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous system.
  • Its high iron content prevents and fights anemia problems.
  • Reduces high blood pressure thanks to its content of unsaturated fatty acids.
    Canned tuna

    Benefits of consuming avocado

    Avocado is a food very rich in monounsaturated fats, vitamins (B9, B7, K, A) and essential minerals (potassium, calcium, phosphorus). Among the many properties associated with it, the following stand out:

    • It is a heart-healthy food the healthy fats present in avocado reduce blood cholesterol levels and prevent vascular diseases, such as hypercholesterolemia, atherosclerosis or coronary heart disease.
    • Lowers high blood pressure : avocados are also a great source of potassium, which helps control blood pressure levels by promoting the excretion of sodium through the urinary tract.
    • Anti-inflammatory properties : avocados have compounds with anti-inflammatory properties, such as polyphenols and flavonoids, which are associated with reducing the risk of developing inflammatory and degenerative diseases.

      Avocado and tuna salad recipe with tomato

      Tuna, avocado and tomato salad

      It is a very easy recipe to prepare and requires little preparation. In addition, it is very refreshing for the hot periods of the year.


      • 2 ripe tomatoes
      • 1 avocado
      • 1 can of tuna in olive oil
      • 150 g of fresh mozzarella
      • 1 pippin apple
      • 50 g walnuts
      • Fresh basil
      • Vinegar
      • Extra virgin olive oil
      • Salt

      Preparation mode

      • First, wash and cut the tomatoes into thin slices and put them in the container where you are going to serve your salad. Add a little oil and salt to blend the flavors.
      • Open the avocado and bone it. Cut it into slices and then cut it in half again so that there are no too large pieces. Add them to the previous container.
      • Strain the liquid in which the mozzarella is preserved and cut it into small cubes.
      • Peel the apple and slice it very thinly, for a subtle hint of sweetness.
      • Peel the walnuts, remove all the impurities from the inner skin and chop them.
      • Salt and pepper, add garlic powder, oregano and olive oil.
      • It is ready to consume.

      Recommendations for the avocado and tuna salad

      Salad with avocado and honey mustard sauce

      This recipe is also very good with a honey and mustard sauce. To prepare it, you must follow the following instructions:

      • Make a homemade mayonnaise with olive or sunflower oil, egg, lemon, garlic, and salt. The trick so that it does not cut is not to separate the mixer from the bottom of the bowl until the egg does not begin to bind.
      • If you can’t eat eggs, you can choose to use an industrial vegan mayonnaise or make it yourself.
      • Mix two parts of mayonnaise for each part of mustard and honey. If you want it sweeter, add more honey, if on the contrary you prefer it more sour, increase the amount of mustard to add.
      • Stir everything well and arrange it on top of the salad.

      This recipe allows many changes, not only can you vary the sauce, you can also add green leaves, such as spinach, arugula or lamb’s lettuce. You can also add nuts to taste or even chopped pitted dates, if you prefer more sweetness than the apple gives it.

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