Lactose Intolerance: What Foods To Avoid?

Lactose intolerant patients should adjust their diet to avoid digestive symptoms such as bloating or bloating. This condition is characterized by a low production of lactase, which is the enzyme that allows you to digest lactose. 

But what is lactose? Well, it is a sugar that is found naturally in breast milk, dairy products and in many prepared foods. Next, we tell you more about it.

Lactose intolerance

When the body does not produce enough lactase, or does not use it properly, a person can become lactose intolerant. This digestive disorder has various clinical manifestations and can appear from childhood. In fact, there are those who are genetically predisposed to suffer from it.

However, it sometimes occurs in adulthood, as the body loses its ability to produce this enzyme. It is possible that a certain amount of dairy can be tolerated without symptoms, but not all of them occur in the same way. Therefore, if the following symptoms appear after consuming these products, it is best to see a doctor.

  • Bloating or bloating.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Gases
  • Sickness.
  • Pain in the abdomen
  • Stomach noises
  • Threw up.
Lactose intolerance

Foods to avoid in case of lactose intolerance

The best way to keep the symptoms of lactose intolerance under control is to avoid the consumption of foods that contain it. In this regard, it is convenient to know that, beyond milk and dairy products, it is present in industrial products that are part of the pantry.

Anyway, the ideal is to go to the nutritionist to obtain a suitable diet plan for this case. The professional, after evaluating the condition, will determine how the diet should be to obtain the nutrients that dairy products usually provide. In general, the foods to avoid are the following:

  • Whole milk.
  • The cheese.
  • Ricotta
  • The butter.
  • The icecream.
  • Fermented milks.

In the case of products such as yogurt, thanks to the fermentation of lactose produced by bacteria, its contribution is very limited. This explains why most of the people who are intolerant do not have symptoms when they consume this food. Something similar happens with cheeses that are “cured.” What other products should be avoided?

Meat products

In addition, this sugar is used as a preservative in processed meats. Some examples are pate, sausage, salami, cold cuts, among others. In general, it works by masking the unpleasant flavors that are generated with the industrial addition of salts, emulsifiers and phostates in these foods.

Instant products

All those foods that have milk in their composition, such as ready soups, cocoa, coffee, instant purees, margarines, among others, provide lactose. For this reason, it is extremely important to check the nutrition label to see if lactose is in the ingredient list. In general, they are in English, like this:

  • Milk (milk)
  • Lactose (lactose)
  • Whey (whey)
  • Curd (curd or cottage cheese)
  • Milk by products (dairy derivatives)
  • Dry milk solids (solids milk powder)
  • Nonfat dry milk powder (powdered milk fat)


In addition, there are some medications (20%) that can contain it; by looking at the prospectus you can corroborate. In any case, it is difficult for a person to have digestive symptoms after consuming them.

Treatment for lactose intolerance

The only treatment that exists for this condition is a lactose-free diet. According to scientific evidence, between 70% and 80% of patients respond to it. The rest maintain symptoms, perhaps, because they also suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (a condition in the large intestine).

The manifestations of those who are intolerant and accustomed to milk can be reduced with the use of added commercial ferments (as long as they are tolerated), or with the “lactose-free” version of it. Also, the use of vegetable drinks is ideal to replace it.

Lactose intolerance: what foods to avoid?

How to replace calcium in dairy?

Although dairy products are foods rich in nutrients, especially calcium, it has been shown that their consumption is not essential, but that this mineral must be provided from various sources. Therefore, if you follow a diet without these products, you have to consume foods such as the following:

  • Green leafy vegetables, such as broccoli and cauliflower.
  • Almonds and walnuts.
  • White beans.
  • Sesame seeds.
  • Tofu and calcium-enriched vegetable drink.
  • Garbanzo beans.

According to a study published in the journal Hospital Nutrition, the recommended daily intake of calcium is 1,000 milligrams per day. To ensure the contribution of this nutrient, it is advisable to consult with a nutrition professional, since its content is variable in all foods.

In addition, intestinal absorption can range between 20% and 75%, depending on the amount, the chemical form in which it is found and the presence of other components.

What to remember about food and lactose intolerance?

Lactose is present in many foods, in addition to dairy. However, this does not mean that everyone has symptoms. Ideally, test personal tolerance before taking any action.

In the case of completely excluding dairy products, it is necessary to ensure the supply of calcium from other food sources to avoid a deficiency in the future.

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