Leek Remedy To Purify Your Body And Lose Weight

This simple leek remedy will help you complement your weight loss diet. In addition, you will promote the purification of your body to feel lighter and deflated.

The vegetable we want to talk to you about today has a much milder flavor than onion, although they are part of the same family. It is ideal for many of those dishes that we make every day. However, if the leek is known for something, it is for its detoxifying power.

What you may not know until now is that, since ancient times, the leek is considered an ally of women’s health.

We have ancient texts from Greece and Rome where it was explained that it improved fertility and that, in addition, it took care of the health of the heart in women, while fighting drowning and fatigue.

For our part, we want to show you how you can prepare it to purify toxins and also facilitate proper weight loss.

We are sure that this information will be useful to you.

Leeks to take care of your health

Botanically, the leek belongs to the Alliaceae family  , that is, they are bulbous plants such as garlic or onion. It is characterized by a much sweeter flavor than the latter and has a lot of versatility in the kitchen.

In our space we speak to you very often about the benefits of consuming carrots, beets, garlic, lemons, etc. It was therefore time to recommend that you include this exceptional vegetable in your diet for all the following reasons.

leek remedy 2

Leeks, source of nutrients

  • Leeks contain many antioxidants, flavonoids that fight inflammation and fight free radicals.
  • In addition, we cannot forget that they are a source of vitamin A and vitamin C, very suitable for purifying the body, fighting inflammation and for alkalizing our body.
  • Something that we also find very interesting is that leeks are low in calories. Thus, they become an exceptional food in those times when we want to lose weight (about 100 grams of fresh stalks contain about 61 calories).
  • Leeks offer us highly recommended amounts of soluble and insoluble fiber. If you consume them regularly you will avoid annoying constipation.
  • In turn, this vegetable stands out as a very rich source of vitamins and minerals, such as zinc, iron, potassium and magnesium, essential for health.
  • Its high content of folic acid makes it very beneficial for pregnant women.

Leeks are natural antibiotics

  • Leeks do not contain as much allicin as garlic, but they are also natural antibiotics.
  • There are laboratory studies that explain that, thanks to the allicin present in garlic and leeks, we are able to reduce the formation of cholesterol. This process occurs thanks to the inhibition of certain enzymes that accumulate in excess in the liver.

    Supports the health of your heart

    Our simple leek remedy will allow you to take care of your cardiovascular health. Regular consumption of leek favors the release of nitric oxide (NO) in the walls of the blood vessels.

    Thanks to this, we optimize blood circulation and fight against the formation of clots.

    Leeks to purify the body

    Leek is made up of a large percentage of water, it is a diuretic and helps us eliminate toxins. In fact, if this vegetable is known for something, it is for its purifying power.

    How to prepare our remedy with leek



    • 3 leeks
    • 1 liter of water
    • The juice of 1 lemon


    • For our cleansing and slimming remedy we will need 3 very large, clean leeks and a lemon. If you have ever prepared the artichoke cleansing remedy, it must be said that this one with leek is very similar.
    • The first thing we are going to do is fill our pot with that liter of water and heat it. Once it is boiling add the 3 leeks in pieces so that they cook.
    • Once ready, you just have to remove them and keep the water obtained.
    • We will take our leek water to a glass bottle, where we will add the lemon juice.
    • For its part, cooked leeks can be used to prepare, for example, a delicious soup for dinner.

    How to take my remedy with leek

    • We will take a first cup on an empty stomach, as soon as we get up. It is recommended that we drink it rather warm. In this way we accelerate the metabolism and enhance the cleansing virtues of this natural drink based on leeks and lemon.
    • The second cup will be taken 15 minutes before the main meal of the day.
    • Remember to have another cup in the middle of the afternoon and finally the last 15 minutes before your dinner.

    You can follow this cleansing and slimming remedy for 10 days in a row. It is advisable to accompany it with a low-fat diet and do some exercise. The results are noticeable, and your health will appreciate it.

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