Maraschino Cherry Cupcakes

We must not forget that the mixture will grow during baking, so it is not advisable to fill the molds completely. Half will suffice

Once again we bring you a sweet recipe: maraschino cherry cupcakes so that you continue to specialize in creating cupcakes or muffins and come out triumphant at parties, indulging your guests with the trendy dessert. In addition, it is a fun dish to prepare, both for adults and children.

Maraschino  cherry cupcakes have a mild flavor and an elegant appearance, thanks to the cherry that tops the frosting.

The maraschino syrup or liqueur made from a variety of cherries called marascas, honey, sugar and almonds also gives a delicate aroma and flavor to our cupcakes.

It is a sweet that has its secret in the details: to achieve a fluffy cake, a maraschino syrup and a soft cream cheese frosting, which will add the touch to our maraschino cherry cupcakes.

Ingredients for maraschino cherry cupcakes

For the cupcakes:

  • 200 grams of sifted pastry flour
  • 150 grams of sugar
  • Four eggs
  • 150 grams of butter at room temperature
  • 16 cherries pitted and diced
  • A spoon of almond essence

For the syrup:

  • 100 ml of water
  • 100 ml of sugar
  • 50 ml of maraschino juice

For the frosting:

  • 300 ml whipping cream
  • 100 grams of cream cheese type Philadelphia
  • 150 grams of icing sugar
  • A spoonful of vanilla essence
  • 16 cherries to decorate

Step by step of maraschino cherry cupcakes

strawberry cheesecake cupcake

  • Let’s preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
  • In a large bowl, place  the 150 grams of butter or margarine with the 150 grams of sugar and with the help of an electric mixer, mix until the sugar has dissolved in the mixture.
  • Add the three eggs one by one, while beating.
  • At this point, we add the 200 grams of pastry flour, previously sifted.
  • Finally, we add the cherry pieces and with a trowel, we stir the mixture.
  • We prepare the tray for baking cupcakes with the cups and add the mixture halfway, to prevent them from growing too much during baking.
  • We bake for 30 minutes or until when inserting a toothpick into the cupcakes, it comes out dry.
  • While the cupcakes are baking, we will prepare the syrup. Add the sugar and water in a small pot and bring to the fire until it boils.
  • Finally, we add the maraschino juice and hope that the syrup has a thick consistency.
  • Once out of the oven, we prick the cupcakes with a toothpick or fork to make small holes through which the syrup will be added.
  • To finish our delicious cupcakes, we are going to decorate them  with a cream cheese frosting.
  • This glaze is easy to make, just place all the ingredients in a bowl and beat until you get a homogeneous and stable cream. If you want to add color, add a drop of artificial gel coloring.
  • With the cheese frosting ready, we proceed to decorate our maraschino cherry cupcakes with the help of a pastry sleeve.
  • We crown the cupcake with a cherry and decorate our table with this beautiful and delicious dessert.

Additional tip:


We can cover the cherries destined to decorate our cupcakes with tempered chocolate to have an even more finished result in the decoration and further improve the flavor of our dessert. If you decide to do this tip, we recommend using dark chocolate.

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