Massage To Activate The Circulation Of The Legs

There are many types of therapeutic massage. One of the most beneficial is undoubtedly the so-called ‘Circulatory massage’. This focuses on the activation of blood and lymphatic flow, which is highly recommended when activating the circulation of the legs.

Circulatory massage can be carried out during times of greatest swelling, fatigue and heaviness, but also when we do not have any discomfort. In fact, it can be used as a preventive measure.

Remember that, in addition to self-massages, it is important that you comply with a daily exercise routine, as well as a good diet. Also, do not forget to stay well hydrated, since this way you can combat fluid retention and, therefore, annoying swelling.

Self-massage to activate the circulation of the legs

The following self-massage is a very useful physical therapy technique.  We can do it when we get up, in the morning, and before going to sleep. In total, it will take us about 6 minutes.

  • We sit on the bed or on the floor in a comfortable position.
  • Next, we flex our legs, keeping the sole of the foot supported. 
  • We proceed to traverse a leg with our fingers, using slow, circular movements and with little pressure, from the ankle to the thigh. Special emphasis should be placed on the calf area for a couple of minutes. It should be noted that the rub should be very soft, almost like a caress.
  • The same procedure is repeated with the other leg.
  • Then, the same route is repeated, but when reaching the calves, moderate pressure is applied with the help of the knuckles. This technique is known as “knuckle kneading.” It should also last 2 minutes, per leg.
  • Finally, the hands are placed in the shape of a clamp and intermittent pressure is applied, closing and opening the thumb and index finger alternately along the calf.

Remember to always give the massages from the bottom up, to activate the circulation of the legs.

The steps of circulatory massage

The first thing you should know is that it is valid for you to take a contrast bath (hot and cold water) before the massage, to obtain a more complete ‘treatment’. Now, to carry out the circulatory massage, you must have one of these options on hand:

  • Moisturizing cream or lotion.
  • Rosemary essential oil.
  • Coconut body oil.
  • Olive oil.

Rosemary essential oil is the best option since it has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, tonic and stimulating properties that will help to obtain greater relief. Now, for the circulatory massage you will need the help of another person to be able to carry it out. Next, we go through the steps.

1. First step

The first thing to do is lie on your stomach, and support the comb of your feet on a cushion. In this way, the legs will be slightly elevated with, as shown in the image. Then, the other person should proceed to massage the ankles in slow, circular movements for a couple of minutes.

leg massage

2. Second step

The person applies a little rosemary essential oil on their hands and proceeds to take one of the legs with one hand, while with the other, they proceed to exert intermittent pressure with the thumb. Always ascending and circular until reaching the calf. 

Next, this procedure must be repeated with the other leg and then, it will be repeated on the other, but this time, in series of two by two. It should be noted that the pressure exerted during the massage should never cause pain to the person.

leg massage

3. Third step

The knuckle kneading tour should be divided into zones. Ankle to calf (3 minutes). From calf to thigh (3 minutes). Always up.

Do not forget that, in case of varicose veins or some venous “spider”, it should never be pressed. Instead, it’s best to move lightly and gently around them.


4. Step four

Once the massage is finished, it is best to take a cold shower to activate the circulation of the legs. However, you can also resort to the placement of cold compresses.

leg massage


Under no circumstances should these massages be performed if you have skin wounds, ulcers, muscle or osteoarticular injuries. These massages are, most of all, relaxing. They are not a treatment for venous insufficiency or other circulatory problems.

It is important that, in case you have a circulatory disorder, you consult with your doctor about what may be the best way to activate the circulation of the legs, in your case.

On the other hand, if you decide to go to a physiotherapist, be sure to inform him well what the doctor told you, so that he takes into account his instructions.

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