Recommendations For The Diet Of A Patient With Kidney Failure

Find out what you should eat if you are a patient with kidney failure. It’s complicated but not impossible.

The renal failure is a medical problem that can greatly complicate the life of the sufferer. If you have been diagnosed as a patient with kidney failure, you should know that you must take care of your diet as much as possible.

Following the instructions and care of your doctor will depend on having a good quality of life. We know that it is not easy, but think that, in exchange for some adjustments, you will get a healthier life.

Keep reading that we will give you some guidelines. In case you are not the patient, but you are the one who makes the decisions about the diet at home, this guide will also help you.

What is it like to be a kidney failure patient?

The first thing you should know as a patient with kidney failure is that this problem has to do with the ability of your kidneys . As you know, the kidneys are responsible for cleaning the blood of toxins and waste.

When the kidneys are working properly, they can do this job on a regular basis. However, when you eat unhealthy or add a lot of toxins to your body, this function is affected.


The immediate result is that toxins return to the blood and contaminate it . To reduce the effect it is necessary that the diet is adapted avoiding harmful products and foods.

Watch your protein intake

A normal person usually requires about 200 grams of protein. However, a patient with kidney failure should only consume 100 to 125 grams of lean meat and 140 to 150 grams of fish.

Although proteins are necessary to maintain the correct density of the muscle, in excess it is difficult for the body to process. It is recommended that the proteins you consume are mostly good quality vegetables.

Patients who are in more severe conditions may need to limit their animal protein intake to a maximum of twice a week . Those who will start a dialysis process should slightly increase their meat consumption a few days beforehand.

The latter has the function of improving the quality of the blood. In this case they are recommended: eggs, chicken, turkey and other poultry, as well as lean pork.

Eggs are a great source of protein.

Ideally, your doctor will tell you the exact amounts of protein to consume. Although there are general indicators, your nutritionist or doctor will give you the precise measurements according to your exact condition, the phase of your treatment, weight and height and the treatments to follow.

Limit your intake of phosphorus

Another requirement for a patient with kidney failure is the minimum intake of phosphorus. Although phosphorus is vital for the formation of teeth and bones, it is difficult to remove excess .

When this happens, the bones will begin to lose calcium and become weak. Therefore, the onset of osteoporosis can be accelerated. Ideally, you should reduce the consumption of milk and derivatives, nuts, whole grains and beans, among others.

Although these are necessary foods, it is important that your doctor points out the correct amounts. Also, try to only consume excellent quality versions. For example, when choosing nuts, opt for those without salt and without any other addition.

You should also remember that there are other products high in phosphorus that you should avoid as much as possible:

  • Beer
  • Refreshments
  • Cocoa and chocolates

Take advantage of the benefits of carbohydrates


A patient with kidney failure can consume carbohydrates for energy. If your health allows it and you do not have another problem, such as diabetes, they are a good alternative.

Yes indeed, remember to choose complex carbohydrate sources . The most important thing is that you avoid processed foods in any presentation.  Some options are: vegetables, bread, fruits, and seeds.

If you want to consume some sweet carbohydrates, choose:

  • Honey bee
  • Brown sugar
  • Maple syrup
  • Jelly
  • Agave honey

With sweets, it is important that you ask your doctor for the amounts. Also, always check the labels to make sure you don’t add extra sodium or phosphorous.

Control the amount of water you consume

A common recommendation for anyone is to drink enough water. However, a patient with kidney failure must control the amounts.

This is necessary because water forces the kidneys to work and kidney failure affects that work . When considering the water you consume, take into account:

  • Jellies
  • Waters and infusions
  • Soups
  • Ice creams
  • Fruit

If you have kidney failure, remember to follow the instructions your doctor recommends strictly. At the same time, you can use the recommendations that we have offered you.

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